I have always valued being a reliable employee with a strong work ethic. I strive to excel and take pride in knowing that I got the job done right. I guess you could also say I’m a sort of...
When I took my first pregnancy test I thought it was wrong. Same with the second and third.  Then, I thought my husband would be mad.  Then, we thought his parents would be mad.  Then, my siblings and one of my best...
In my previous post I talked about how I learned to parent with the help of the internet, and how, when my oldest son was diagnosed with autism, I came to believe that vaccination causes autism. My Flawed Logic In addition...
In hopes that we can have a slightly "normal" Halloween this year I thought I would share some tips for Halloween with Type One Diabetes. The first Halloween after my daughter was diagnosed with Type One put me in to...
Taking care of yourself is one of the most overlooked things in a mom's life. Between the kids and the laundry and the cooking and the scheduling, there isn't must time for YOU. We've all been there - and maybe...
Parenting with the Help of the Internet My oldest son was born in 2003, just before the era of learning to parent with the help of the internet. In fact, as poor, broke college students we didn't even have internet!...
Happy Friday! Here is my list of the things bringing me happiness, contentment and entertainment in this weird, new world of ours. Enjoy my Friday Faves! Reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens is an absolutely beautiful novel. It’s the...
Finding the best pediatrician can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are so many local options! To help, we’ve compiled this Guide to Corpus Christi Area Pediatricians. We hope this information helps you find the perfect pediatrician for your family! With...
:: Disclaimer :: This guide is made possible by our friends at Kennedy Dental. We are so grateful for their support! Finding the best dentists for kids can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are so many local options in...
Abandoning Diet Culture Once and For All Recognizing my Vicious Cycle of Disordered Eating I didn't realize I had become so indoctrinated with Diet Culture. I snacked on a pre-portioned bag of baby carrots. I felt valuable. I felt like a "good...

Life In Coastal Bend

Corpus Christi & Coastal Bend Summer Camp Guide

We’re thrilled to share our annual Guide to Coastal Bend Summer Camps, presented by the Corpus Christi Hooks! Summer is just around the corner and...