Big Kid Summer Beach

Big Kid Summer

Currently, I am sitting in a quiet house; there is no toddler or infant attached to my hip. I am not throwing snacks at an angry monster or trying to cart around kids in this terrible heat just to...
I recently learned (after almost 12 years) that Clue is my husband's favorite board game. (I had to have known this already...but years of motherhood had erased that knowledge)  So one weekend, when we had one kid grounded from technology,...
As someone who taught middle school, I can tell you…middle schoolers are strange creatures. They look like mini adults, but act like cats: cute and cuddly while also madly emotional and vindictive.  Every middle school child is like a species...
This revelation might not be very new, but I stumbled across it recently, and it has totally changed our board game storage and accessibility, so I felt compelled to share it with those who were living in the dark...
We are finally at the toddler stage where our toddler enjoys playing games and thus receives them as gifts. One of the games she got this year was Pie Face. Little did I know that this game is more...
I have recently entered the nesting phase of pregnancy, which means I have been cleaning the house, organizing, discarding, selling, and donating (more than usual). When Amelia first started daycare, I got an empty tub and every week when...
This Coastal Bend Mom Collective post is brought to you in partnership with As You Are.  For any mom, one of the hardest things about our role is admitting that our child needs help and then actually seeking it out....
I became a "working mom" when my firstborn was 9-months-old because we needed the extra income. I continued working through my second pregnancy and for another three years. In May 2018, we were 3 months away from our oldest...
Football. The quintessential American sport. Flag. Tackle. Touch. Co-ed. Youth. High school. College. Pro. It’s all football. And it’s all fun. Football brings people together. Family + Community Football season gearing up and boy, does that make me happy. It’s one of the...
I’ve been a breastfeeding mom for 26 of the last 34 months. I was able to nurse my son until he was a few days shy of 19 months old, and I am currently going on 8 months of...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024