Life in the Coastal Bend

We love life in the Coastal Bend – it’s not just sandy toes and salty air!

Check out these posts and see how we are living our best life at the Coast!

Let's be honest. Hiking with young children is not always easy nor always enjoyable. Many hikes end with me holding one or both boys and cheering them to finish strong as they complain that they're tired/hungry/done. However, despite the challenges,...
Summer in South Texas is fast approaching with blazing rays of sunlight, sticky fingers and the high-pitched squeals of children at play. While the children look forward to sleeping in,  and late-night movies, I always dread the extra cost...
It never really occurred to me that the tradition of Homecoming Mums was a Texas thing. I find it amusing now to see the looks and the questions that people from outside the state start asking when Homecoming season rolls...
With restrictions lifting, we are SO ready to get together with friends! Birthday parades and quarantine parties are super fun, but there isn't much that beats getting together with friends and celebrating. We are super excited to share this amazing...
If there is one thing we love to promote here at Coastal Bend Moms it is spending time outdoors with your family. Along with our love of promoting spending time outdoors we also want to promote the need for...
We are so excited to share a comprehensive Guide to Extra Curricular activities, presented by the YMCA Coastal Bend! School is back in session and lots of families are looking for ways to supplement their kiddo's education with fun extra curricular...
I got in my car this morning, and the temperature read 94 degrees! Ugh! When our two types of weather are "Hot" and "Hotter," we have to find ways to keep cool. Don't worry, though, you don't have to...
When my son was 15 months old, I knew I needed help. I was staying home with him, but I was tired and burnt out. I was terrified and sad at the thought of leaving him with someone else, but...
Mother's Day is on Sunday, May 14th! (Side note - how is it already almost summer? Half of me wants 2017 to slow down while the other half is ready for cool weather again!) Do you know where you are...
We are in the midst of hurricane season. With memories of Harvey still very fresh, and a possible tropical storm forming over the next few days in the Gulf of Mexico, with a couple more on her heels, my...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to April Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...