It never really occurred to me that the tradition of Homecoming Mums was a Texas thing.
I find it amusing now to see the looks and the questions that people from outside the state start asking when Homecoming season rolls around. 🙂
If you are new to Texas and this time-honored tradition, I thought I would share some helpful tips if you are in the market for a homecoming mum or garter (the boy’s version).
The Bigger the Better
Like most things in Texas, we really do prescribe to the attitude of “everything is bigger in Texas”.
Girls these days can not simply pin their mum to their shirts, most now have to have straps that wrap around their necks or even hang OVER THEIR SHOULDERS! Holy smokes! Even in my day girls prided themselves on how LONG their MUM was, the longer the better.
These Colors Don’t Run
Most of the time, mums will be done with the school colors, there are some people who opt to do more colorful themes to match their date’s personality. Howver, if you are a Senior, the tradition is to have an all-white/silver mum.
Light them up
If you have an bigger budget (y’all – these can get a little pricey, just a heads up!) and really feel like impressing your date, a mum with LED lights is sure to get the attention. This is not something that was even possible when I was in school, but now the flashier the better so why not add some lights! If the budget doesn’t allow for electronics, even just adding colors or a theme can go a long way in getting your MUM to be the most recognized!
You can never start too early
While most of the Homecoming activities are typically celebrated in Junior High and High School, the smaller towns will get the entire school system involved. From Kinder to a Senior, on Homecoming Friday you will see MUMs throughout the school. Last year I made my son and his teacher their own custom Garters. We still have his pinned to the wall in his room and plan to keep them all his years through school.