If we earned a nickle for every time we heard that “there’s nothing to do in Corpus Christi!” we would all be filthy rich!
But at Corpus Christi Moms Blog, we know better! We know the Coastal Bend is a great place to raise a family. And we also know that there’s always a ton going on! So today, we’re launching a new community calendar we know you will LOVE!
Our events calendar is awesome for a lot of reasons, but these are 6 of our favorite:
1) Find only family friendly events! 
If it isn’t something you, your kids, or spouse would enjoy, you won’t find it here. Save time. Don’t dig. Quickly find just what you’re looking for.
2) Search Coastal Bend events by category!
We’ve taken the work out of finding age appropriate events. Now it’s easy to view local happenings that are specifically geared towards toddlers, teens, or parents. You can even look for specific types of events like story time or festivals if you have an idea of what you’re looking for!
3) View events by month or day. 
Are you a planner or more spontaneous? Want an overview of what’s coming up for the month? Now, that’s easy! Prefer to see only what’s happening today? Now, it’s a piece of cake! You can even toggle to a list view and see all your options for a specific date at once!
4) Know where to go. 
Sure, Corpus Christi is small. But the Coastal Bend is larger, and every now and then, a location can pop up that’s a little unfamiliar. That’s why we have local maps embedded in our event listings! Now you’ll always know you’re heading to the right place!
5) Find everything in one place.
Larger local events tend to be promoted more. This is great, because it helps us find out what’s going on. But what about the little stuff? The recurring stuff? Like, when your neighborhood library is holding an event? Or when that farmer’s market is happening? Now there’s no reason not to know!
6) Add your own events, too!
Aware of an event we haven’t added? Not a problem! Email us at info {at} corpuschristimomsblog {dot} com and we’d love to share more about how you can add your free event listing to our calendar!
So what are you waiting for? Check it out! Then get out! We also are publishing a weekly round up of events, every Thursday, that showcases alllllll the things going on in the Coastal Bend for that coming weekend. Be sure to check the blog and Facebook regularly so you don’t miss out!
Enjoy the many things our community has to offer you and your family!