Life in the Coastal Bend

We love life in the Coastal Bend – it’s not just sandy toes and salty air!

Check out these posts and see how we are living our best life at the Coast!

For most parents, summer is two full months of entertaining your kids. Now that school is {officially} out, it is time to relax, spend quality time with our kids, and get rid of all the stress. I learned very...
Over the last few years, I have developed some first day of Summer traditions for my two kids. They are not big or extravagant, just something fun to celebrate their hard work and kick off the long days of...
 Aye que chulo, los mezclados! Que tiene? Oh! How cute! Little mixed kids! What do they have (mixed in)? As a black mother I hear it all the time. I'm sure my hispanic husband and mother-in-love hear it even more often.  In...
Cinco de Mayo, the fifth of May, is the celebration of the Mexican army’s defeat of France in the Battle of Puebla in 1862 during the Franco-Mexican War. The war lasted from 1861 to 1867, and the victory of the...
I love Mardi Gras.  I love New Orleans.  To this day, I have never been to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.   Honestly, it looks awesome and crowded.  I think I love the idea of it more than I would...
I love my neighborhood!  It's not the same type of neighborhood I grew up in many, many, many... well, you get the idea... moons ago.  It's not the neighborhood where we ran and played flashlight-tag or kick-the-can with every...
An important resource here in the Coastal Bend is the indoor play places to help the littles get out the wiggles when the weather outside is not conducive to getting out to the Parks or Hiking Trails.  Below is...
You Don’t Need to be a Pirate to search for treasure. However, if you are a pirate or want to be, by all means, be my guest. You’ll fit right in at Buc Days and pirates are sexy. Ok, I’ve...
I don’t think I have a favorite ‘thing’ per se, but one thing I absolutely love about the Coastal Bend is how beautiful it is. Beautiful views of Corpus Christi Bay... Many people who live here stay because of the...
August 24th, 2017 Surrounding areas were being evacuated as Hurricane Harvey was closing in on the Texas coast. I am located on the Southside of Corpus Christi, TX. I have three kids and two dogs. My mother just had surgery....

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024