Breastfeeding is one of my favorite things to talk about with fellow moms! Pregnant moms, moms of newborns, moms who didn’t have enough support to be successful, pretty much every mom has a story with breastfeeding. I struggled so much in...
This revelation might not be very new, but I stumbled across it recently, and it has totally changed our board game storage and accessibility, so I felt compelled to share it with those who were living in the dark...
A little naive, maybe? Let me start off by saying I am not a gun owner... unless Nerf guns count. And the only interaction I have with guns is through the headlines. We recently had a fun sleepover with a friend's child who...
Magnets  Who knew magnets were so fascinating? We have a stainless steel fridge so it is not so fun when it comes to magnets, but we have a metal garage door and two magnets combined with this kept my ten...
I'll never claim to have all the answers about motherhood, but as someone who has experienced postpartum life twice, I have a good idea of what I wish I could have told family and friends. Here's my list of...
I always knew I’d dread the potty training stages, but nothing prepared me for the two years of trial and error that potty training would become. Like most moms, I started off very optimistic. I thought the sooner I...
I’ve had a fair amount of relatively hard jobs throughout my life, but being a stay at home mom exceeds them all. I can tell you right now, every single job I’ve ever had is 100 times easier than staying at...
How To See Your Kid First and Diabetes Second (Especially When You Feel Afraid) My daughter was three years old when she was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. Suddenly our lives were interrupted with carbohydrate counts, medication that was life saving...
On this Mother's Day, let me tell you about the journey of moving my mom in with me. When my son was born, my mom lived about seven hours away by car. She came for his birth and stayed for...
If you have a preteen or teenager, you’ve probably heard about the show, Euphoria. Or maybe you’ve heard/seen the social media sounds, memes, or gifs about the very adult show on HBO. If you haven't heard about Euphoria, you might actually...

Life In Coastal Bend

Corpus Christi & Coastal Bend Summer Camp Guide

We’re thrilled to share our annual Guide to Coastal Bend Summer Camps, presented by the Corpus Christi Hooks! Summer is just around the corner and...