Editor's Note: I'm so, so, SO excited to introduce Steve Garcia to our readers. I met Steve in 2009 when I was performing in a community theatre production. We became instant friends. Ten years later - and so many...
From the time he was born until now, my kid has never been a great sleeper. Which has made us team late bedtime by default.
He's about to turn five years old, and he is JUST NOW sleeping through the...
Seeing my one year old daughter bounce around to music while smiling and laughing brings joy to my heart. Throughout my childhood and into college, I took dance lessons and I am so happy to see my daughter enjoying...
I was in my mid-20's when Pokemon came out so I really don’t remember much beyond the cards. I never paid much attention so I don’t remember when the craze died down, but it seemed to become less...
There are so many ways to document and keep memories of your children, but yet so little time to actually follow through as they hit these big milestones. Here I’ve compiled a list of Pinterest worthy, yet easy ways...
I am a new mom to a beautiful 7 month old baby girl. Inevitably one of the top questions my wife and I get asked is are we going to have another child. The answer is yes, but for...
Oh sweet son of mine
The more you whine, the more I want to wine
I know that the terrible twos are just a passing time
But I can’t help but feel like it’s overwhelming
Oh sweet son of mine
You are a one...
Awhile back I was trying to come up with some posts to write for the blog when I decided to do what any good reader typically does when there is a block: pose some questions on social media.
I asked...
The Importance of Teaching our Kids to Manage their own Money
How and When to Start?
Our oldest child is six. And, like most six-year-olds, she asks for a lot of things. And even though she understands the basics of how...
To sleep over or to not sleep over?
Next Time Try a Late-Over Instead!
My daughter and I recently heard a new phrase "The Late-Over" and I am excited to introduce you to the idea as well!
Sleep Overs make me nostalgic