Stop and Smell the Roses



It’s funny, isn’t it? The lessons our kids teach us.

This time of the year, we tend to shift our focus. We tend to become acutely aware of our blessings. We shouldn’t have to wait until the holidays to recount our blessings, but sadly, too often I do wait until now. I think it’s time for me to take a lesson from my 3 year old, Timothy, and appreciate life’s blessings every day.

Timothy goes to Mother’s Day Out on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He’s gotten into this routine. He knows what needs to go in his bag: lunch box, folder, and his stuffed animal. He knows the route to his school, and loves to point as we drive past the bales of hay and cows on this road tucked away from the heart of the city. He also loves to smell the flowers before walking into the church.

We pull up in the parking lot, and he exclaims “I want to smell the flowers!” as if I could forget. We get out, and he takes his time to smell the flowers. He doesn’t care if we’re running late. He doesn’t care if it’s raining outside. He just wants to dwell in the beautiful creation of these flowers.

It’s almost as if his little heart is saying, Take notes, Mommy.

I used to let it get to me, you know? It’s a minor inconvenience each time we go, especially if I’m dropping him off with his two younger siblings in tow. And it’s raining. And we’re late. But last week, I snapped this picture as a reminder.

He reminds me to take life slower, to take in these blessings all around us, and to literally stop and smell the roses. 


So many times I can let the challenges of this life get to me. It takes a toll on you, too, doesn’t it? The school loans, the work deadlines, the sleepless nights.

Too many times busyness has stolen my joy. Why must I fill every hour of my day? It’s almost like I feel as if it’s a crime to take some time to soak in a bubble bath… I’ve let comparison rob me of having a thankful heart.

Haven’t you done this as well? It’s so easy to look at Facebook and think everyone else has their life together and you haven’t showered in 2 days and your house is a mess…

But these lies will win no longer. Not today. Today I choose joy. I choose to be thankful. Today I choose to stop and smell the roses.