Madison O'Brien
The Gray Area of Infertility
I’ve started and stopped this post so many times and I am still not quite sure how or where to start. Krystal and I, as a same sex couple, fall within a gray area...
Pie Face Game Night: Adults Only
We are finally at the toddler stage where our toddler enjoys playing games and thus receives them as gifts. One of the games she got this year was Pie Face. Little did I know...
Creative Ways to Store and Display your Child’s Artwork
I have recently entered the nesting phase of pregnancy, which means I have been cleaning the house, organizing, discarding, selling, and donating (more than usual). When Amelia first started daycare, I got an empty...
Meet the CBMC Writers: Madison O’Brien
Meet the Writers: Say hello to Madison O'Brien!
Coastal Bend
My wife and I moved to the Coastal Bend in 2017. She was born and raised here while I grew up with lots of moves around...
Fall Traditions For the Whole Family
Fall is easily may favorite season. When sweater weather is finally here and you can make a trip around the block without collapsing from the Texas Heat. The reason it is my favorite season...
How to Sell with Facebook Marketplace
I have a problem. My problem is I get rid of stuff VERY frequently. This is because cleaning and organizing are my therapy. I know, I'm weird. Because of this I often have things...
Traditional Swim Lessons to Infant Self-Rescue (ISR)
Krystal and I always knew that water safety was important to us. Although we don’t have a pool at home, living in the Coastal Bend means water is always nearby which means danger comes...
Two Moms Journey to Motherhood…Again
Last we left off our two mom family had journeyed through Reciprocal IVF, Egg Retrieval, Frozen Embryo Transfer and Pregnancy. Here we are with a three year old and ready to begin the journey...
Sensory Play with Jello
Jello or a vegan-friendly alternative (check out this post to learn what's in Jello), is a great opportunity to incorporate senses into playtime. Don’t be fooled: texture is not all it has to offer....
Lesbian Visibility Day
April 26th, 2020 - Lesbian Visibility Day
One might ask why set apart Lesbian’s from the LGBT community? Why do they need a “special” day dedicated to their visibility?
First and foremost - not all lesbians...