Breastfeeding is one of my favorite things to talk about with fellow moms!
Pregnant moms, moms of newborns, moms who didn’t have enough support to be successful, pretty much every mom has a story with breastfeeding.
I struggled so much in the beginning with my oldest. I could write a book about that experience! But with the help and support of my husband, family, a knowledgeable friend and the volunteers at La Leche League, we made it through! Nursing my second baby was so much easier! And now I’m nursing my third son and y’all…I guess I’m a pro now! It’s always tough in the beginning. You both have to learn each other. A popular phrase I like says “breastfeeding is natural like walking, not natural like breathing. You have to learn!”
I love sharing breastfeeding tips and recommendations with pregnant moms. While not every product is going to be a guarantee to work for every mama, here are my top 6 tips to help equip you on your breastfeeding journey.
- Buy The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding.
- Have nipple butter on hand, from the get go. I like Earth Mama Nipple Butter, Bamboobies brand one is good too.
- Have a nursing pillow. I highly recommend My Brest Friend.
- Have a stack on muslin blankets on hand. These will not only come in handy when nursing, but can and WILL be used for baby – all the way through early childhood.
- Watch videos on breastfeeding – specifically on what a good latch looks like. There are great videos on YouTube.
- Visit with people in your local La Leche league or even take a free class through the Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend!
A very small percentage of women are actually incapable of breastfeeding, but it can be super challenging if you don’t have access to resource. Check out more articles about the CBMC team’s experiences here. Chances are, with the right tools and support, you can totally do this!