Being unhappy makes the people around you unhappy too. That is not fair. My husband likes to tell me (and everyone else) that "happiness is a choice we make." I know he's right, and he's my own personal miracle, but...
It's the first of the year and many people are thinking of goals they have for 2019.  I start the year off with a vision board: A vision board is simply a poster or collage with pictures and images of your...
How to Start a Gratitude Practice One Month. One Month is the perfect amount of time to start a new practice. There's always new ideas floating around: 30-day smoothie challenges, 30-day clean eating, 30-days of exercise etc. But right now,...
Whether you are a pregnant or nursing mama or lead an alcohol-free lifestyle, sometimes it's easy to feel left out when everyone else is sipping and toasting a fun drink - especially on holidays and during the big toast...
Self-Care is a pretty popular term these days. Especially with all of the emphasis on mental health in recent years. If you type Self-Care into the search bar of this site you will find many posts that give tips,...
I will never forget the day I first heard the story of Maggie’s death. Maggie was a beautiful two-year-old little girl who was killed by her caregiver one afternoon while her parents were at work and her older brother...
Every morning, without fail, I take a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV.) Willingly and happily! I may make a crazy face as my eyes tear up a little (and my toddler asks if I'm ok,) but this shot of...
National Diabetes Awareness Month November is Diabetes Awareness Month So what is diabetes? There are a few types of diabetes, these types are Type One Diabetes (formally known as Juvenile Diabetes), Type Two Diabetes, and Gestational Diabetes (occurring during pregnancy). All...
Lately, more and more, it’s been a whole lot harder on us moms. Heck, it has been harder on everyone. But from my mom perspective, it’s been stressful. I am going back to school soon and my daughter as...
5 Tips to Staying Healthy (without a mask!) We are so grateful to share this guest post from a local professional. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to April Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...