I swear, the moment I announced I was pregnant, people started asking about how I planned to feed my baby. I heard "breast is best" from my friends, family, my OB, a random women in the grocery store. Being...
I've never been a model, nor have I ever been a size 4, but there was a time, long, long ago that I recognized my body. And as much I would not have admitted it then, I liked my...

The Heart of Our Family

It was my third pregnancy. I had two very easy, uncomplicated ones before it. The time came for the big 20 week ultrasound....no big deal. I even remember telling my husband, who usually came for most of the ultrasounds,...
This post is dedicated to anyone who is grieving and feeling the loss of a loved one. I’m grappling with grief right now. My fellow moms… I recently had to endure the ultimate loss. A month ago (wow it’s already been...
Taking care of yourself is one of the most overlooked things in a mom's life. Between the kids and the laundry and the cooking and the scheduling, there isn't must time for YOU. We've all been there - and maybe...
Sometimes you just need a good cry. Have you ever just had a moment where you felt like crying for no reason? You felt the tears coming on? Sometimes you just don’t even know why? Maybe you’re having a...
It's difficult eating with food allergies. It's especially difficult eating at restaurants. Whether you're at a diner, ballgame, or concert, 90% of getting together with friends and family is eating. And even if that weren't the case, it's nice not...
(Remember, before starting any diet and exercise regimen, talk with your doctor first.) Last week we heard from Jennifer and will be following along with her journey to getting healthier and dropping those pesky lb's. Well...I am right there with...
Moms often wonder if there is a secret to getting their kids to stop being so picky and to be wiling to eat more than just "kid food". I didn’t set out to be some kind of mom guru...
Since the age of 12, I have tried at least one and usually multiple diets every year. As an awkward, pre-teen girl I thought I should look like the girls in the Teen and Seventeen Magazines that I bought...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to April Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...