The Unrecipe Post- Elf Munch Recipe- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

The Unrecipe Post

This started out as a post on holiday recipes.  Yea, holiday food!  Only, it isn’t working itself out to be that.  I think it’s about grief.  The kind of grief that haunts your life, just like you wish those...
I seriously ask myself everyday the question, "What happened?" I used to have so much energy. Pulling an all nighter studying, reading, or just talking to my friends was nothing. Getting up early was no problem, and I didn't need...
On the first Friday in February we wear red in support for Women's Heart Health. Why is a healthy heart so important? Because heart disease is the number one cause of death in women. One in four women die yearly...
The other day, I got to take a nap.  (Cue the angels singing!)  This is not a casual occurrence.  It's rare.  It's winning the lotto rare.  So, you may be asking yourself, how did this happen? Well, let me...
The streets are quiet, the skies are pitch black, the husband and toddler are both snoring... and my alarm goes off. I roll out of bed (some days more willingly than others,) put on my workout clothes, brush my teeth, and...
Infertility. What do you feel when you hear that word? For me, it brings back a wave of emotions: anger, sadness, fear, bitterness and more. Although most people choose not to talk about infertility, one in six couples experience...
  Many times we get stuck in the same habits. We frequent the same coffee shop, wake up at a certain time, and tend to eat the same variety of foods over and over. This spring, I’d like to challenge...
Every morning, without fail, I take a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV.) Willingly and happily! I may make a crazy face as my eyes tear up a little (and my toddler asks if I'm ok,) but this shot of...
Every year, as springtime falls upon us, all of the plants begin to bloom and the pollen counts go up. While the mild weather and springtime scenery remind us why we are proud to call Corpus Christi home, our bodies seem to go haywire. Allergy...
Six months into motherhood I found myself in straight up survival mode. I was trying, unsuccessfully, to balance a child, a marriage, a day job, and a mile long list of all the things. At the very bottom of that...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024