It’s Time for the Game Day! :: Recipes Your Family will Love
That time of year is upon us. The time when most of the nation is gathering together at one another’s houses, glued to their TVs. That one time, regardless of who your “favorite” team...
I Just Wanna Shop… and You Will Too!
Ladies, I love to shop! My husband even goes as far to say that it is my hobby and actually, I can’t disagree with that, I’m really good at it! But I guess I...
We’re Better Together
January 20, 2017 was a day that truly opened my eyes to the situation in our country. (And no, this is not a piece shaming the current or former president, so if you are...
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year {Brought to You by Hallmark}
Ladies, it is that time of year again. The time when the weather gets cooler (albeit, still hot, but cooler than the blazing summer we get,) winter décor starts showing up all around us,...
Teeth are Gross. And What’s with Our Tooth Fairy?
Teeth gross me out! I could NEVER be a dentist! All that scraping and drilling! Yuck! Gag!
I figured since I didn't not choose that career path, I'd be set. No nasty teeth dealings (other...
Should I Stay or Should I Go (to Work?)
The struggle is real moms. At least it is for me. It is a constant battle I fight in my head.
The ultimate goal or answer to this internal battle is to be the best...
Do You Hear What I Hear?
You know that disheveled mom you see at the grocery store, restaurant or even Target? The one with the kids hanging off the side of the cart, taking off their clothes, making fart noises, laughing (or...
“Daddy Can Fix It!”
I must admit, I have never been very handy. If something is hard to take apart or fix, I often times ALWAYS seek my husband's assistance.
My excuse is that I never had Legos as a child...
An Open Letter to My Son’s New Teacher
To my son's 2nd-grade teacher,
I promise I had good intentions; I really did! I bought workbooks, flashcards and took multiple trips to the library to check out reading books. I had plans to work...
When I Grow Up, I Want to be Like My 2 Year Old!
I know what you are thinking... "Wow, she has set her ambitions really high...NOT!", but hear me out. I am a 34 year old mom who has spent her life afraid of EVERYTHING. I...