I’ve never been a model, nor have I ever been a size 4, but there was a time, long, long ago that I recognized my body. And as much I would not have admitted it then, I liked my body. Now after 2 kids, I hardly recognize it. My boobs are saggy (that’s the thanks I get for breastfeeding a child!) I have grey hairs (praise God for hair dye!) and hair grows on places it never used to (i.e. my chin. This is the reason I HATE magnifying mirrors!) Not to mention all the aches and pains. I feel like an 80 year old when I get out of bed. And, with each passing day, my body seems to fail me more and more.
All I can say is, getting old sucks!
It seems the moment I turned 30 my body turned against me.
I thought we had a good thing going, me and my body. Apparently it does not feel the same way.
I guess it is getting back at me for taking advantage of the once higher metabolism and loads of energy I had, with all the late nights parties in college, eating and drinking to my heart’s desire. It is as if my body is a traitor because I know it USED to enjoy a good margarita with a side of chips and queso. Now, the margarita gives me heart burn and I am sensitive to dairy… BORING! Where is the fun in that? I thought we were in this together. Apparently, not!
And don’t even get me started on staying up late. It’s like 9:30 rolls around and I’m drooling and incoherent because I am soooo stinking tired. I recently attended a friend’s birthday party and it STARTED at 9:30. That’s my bed time people!! I went and survived it, but it took a few days to recuperate. It wasn’t always like that, but this is the new me. The old, sleepy, just want to take my bra off and sit on my couch on Friday night instead of going out me!
I used to have that youthful glow. Now I have crows feet and age spots.
Sure, I can cover it with some good make up, but I know they are still there taunting me, reminding me that without deep pockets and the intervention of a good dermatologist, they are only going to get worse.
Why, body, why? Didn’t you like the times when I could just throw on a little mascara and lip gloss and call it a day? Now I have to spend money and time on expensive washes, lotions and tubs of concealer so I won’t scare little children with my “un”makeuped face. (And, yes, I am aware “un”makeuped is not a word, but my memory is also failing me in my “old” age, so I couldn’t think of a better word, but you get the point!) Gone are the days of that youthful glow, being just that. Now it comes in 3 “easy” steps; Primer, concealer and highlighter!
There is, however, one redeeming quality about my body. Actually 2. It gave me my boys.
It created, fed and provided a comfortable home for both of my little blessings. And, what a powerful and truly miraculous thing that is! Think about it. Our bodies know exactly what our little ones need and provide it for them. Sure there were some awkward, uncomfortable and ugly (stretchmarks…EEK!!) changes to our body, but what an amazing thing it does to create another human being!
It may run a little slower and not always perform its job perfectly now, but my body’s job of creating my precious boys, was done purposefully and perfectly.
I love this so much….boy can I relate!! Yeay mom bodies!!
Amen sister!!!!!
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