Krystal and I always knew that water safety was important to us. Although we don’t have a pool at home, living in the Coastal Bend means water is always nearby which means danger comes as a package deal. With...
The streets are quiet, the skies are pitch black, the husband and toddler are both snoring... and my alarm goes off. I roll out of bed (some days more willingly than others,) put on my workout clothes, brush my teeth, and...
  As far back as I can remember I have always been an anxious person. They called it a “nervous” stomach when I was in grade school and it wasn’t until college that I really could put a name to...
Are you familiar with the five-second rule? And no I am not talking about eating food that has fallen on the floor. The other day I was watching a video of a girl talking about the five-second rule and the...
I had The "Sex Talk" with our 7 Year old And Here's How it Went: I grew up in an extremely conservative and religious household. And unfortunately some things just were never discussed. Sex was one of them. If it was...
I’ve started and stopped this post so many times and I am still not quite sure how or where to start. Krystal and I, as a same sex couple, fall within a gray area of infertility. Neither of us...
Staying healthy is work. Add in kids, a spouse, your job, household chores, and extracurricular activities, and it can be a lot of work just to find the time to think about staying healthy. It would be so easy...
My very imperfect journey to a healthier life started back in 2014. It's not a perfect one by any means but I want to share it anyway. Our second boy was barely 5 months old. One of my closest friends...
Have you ever found yourself stuck, feeling unmotivated and unable to really pinpoint a reason why you are feeling this way? Recently, in the period of time between Christmas and New Years, I found myself in this weird state of...
In hopes that we can have a slightly "normal" Halloween this year I thought I would share some tips for Halloween with Type One Diabetes. The first Halloween after my daughter was diagnosed with Type One put me in to...

Life In Coastal Bend

Corpus Christi & Coastal Bend Summer Camp Guide

We’re thrilled to share our annual Guide to Coastal Bend Summer Camps, presented by the Corpus Christi Hooks! Summer is just around the corner and...