Are you familiar with the five-second rule? And no I am not talking about eating food that has fallen on the floor.
The other day I was watching a video of a girl talking about the five-second rule and the way people comment on videos. The way commenters like to mention all of these “helpful” things about other people’s appearances.
“Girl you have dark circles, you should get some more sleep!”
“Have you thought about trying KETO to fit better into those jeans?”
“If you want to get rid of that acne you should stop wearing so much makeup!”
We have all been there, right? Some well-meaning comment from a friend or stranger sounds more like an insult than a “helpful” suggestion. I for sure have said things without thinking before. Honestly thinking that what I was trying to say was helpful or warranted, when in fact, it was not needed or wanted at all. I know for a fact things have been said to me online and IRL that I couldn’t believe someone said to me. And if I mentioned it to them they seemed absolutely surprised that their helpful suggestion would hurt my feelings.
Here is where the Five Second Rule comes into play!
If the person that you are talking to (or commenting on their post) can not fix whatever it is that you are about to point out or comment on in FIVE SECONDS, keep it to yourself!
While this seems like a pretty basic thing, it struck me as the most ingenious way for us to filter what is coming out of our mouths or typed through our keyboard! It also feels like a GREAT way for me to explain to my kids how to speak kindly to others!
I can easily have my kids count to five. And I can make them see what things can be done in that time and things that can not be done in five seconds.
Someone can NOT change their weight in five seconds, and if they haven’t asked for your help it is not your place to point it out!
Someone CAN get the food out of their teeth that is super noticeable in five seconds!
Someone can NOT change the fact that they have dark circles under their eyes due to depression, sleep deprivation, or genetics in five seconds!
Someone CAN untuck their skirt from their underwear in five seconds!
Do you see where I am going with this??
We all need to be kinder to one another! To strangers, to friends and family, it doesn’t matter. Kindness should be the starting point for all of our conversations, online and in real life (IRL)! Maybe you like to live under to guise that you have no filter, but let me tell you, words can hurt deeply, and if you have to end every statement with “well I am just being honest” is not a free pass to say whatever comes to your mind. You do not know everyone’s story or what is going on in their heads. And telling people they are just too sensitive is just not going to cut it. That is the behavior and mindset of a bully.
The point of this “rule” is to make us pause and think about how we are speaking to people and to just BE KIND!
Will you start using the Five Second Rule? Do you see this is a good learning tool for our kids? Could you imagine the impact if our teens put this “rule” into practice?