Marissa Ackerman

Marissa Ackerman
Marissa Ackerman is a mother of two, wife, local foodie, and content creator. She has been content creating/blog writing for small businesses since 2013 and works as an Account Executive in the food-tech industry. Graduating from Texas State University in 2012, Marissa has resided and worked in San Marcos, Austin, and Houston before settling back down with her family in the Coastal Bend.

4 Things They Don’t Tell You About Postpartum

Birthing a child is one of the hardest things a woman’s body can go through. Throughout a woman’s pregnancy, there are countless measures to...
Family Planning during COVID-19 _ Featured Image

How COVID-19 Impacted My Family Planning

Let me first start out by saying I am very grateful that COVID-19 has not physically impacted my family. We have been very lucky...

Microblog: A Sense of Normalcy

    A sense of normalcy amongst the chaos of these days is something we all crave. Today my husband took my son to the swings...
working parents

Working Parents — Are They Really That Hard Working?

The majority of my career was spent single. No spouse, no kids, just me, and my day-to-day life as I worked ferociously in my...

Why I Celebrate Loving Day

When I tell people that my favorite day to celebrate love is not Valentine’s Day but Loving Day, I get a lot of confused...

Microblog: The Mothering Chair in Our House

In my home, I have a rocking chair that is older than I am. This chair has lived in three different cities, has been...
North Padre Island

Quick Tips for Vacationing on Padre Island

Queue the music, sound the alarm— it’s time to get your vacation on if you are one of the many that have the privilege...
A Letter to Jacob

A Love Letter to My Son….Adapting to Another New Normal

    The other day when I was talking to another mom about how sad I was that Jacob wasn’t able to see other people outside...

A Love Letter to My Job

A Love Letter to My Job  Today was the first day that all 250 of us logged onto our meeting via zoom from home. COVID-19 has...

When you Whine I Wine (A Poem)

    Oh sweet son of mine The more you whine, the more I want to wine  I know that the terrible twos are just a passing time  But...