Katarina Garcia
How I Save My Husband Tons of Money
Marriage can be difficult at times when partners differ in shopping habits. My husband is a big time saver, while I, on the other...
It’s Okay If Your Child’s Birth Wasn’t the Best Day of Your Life
Motherhood is full of clichés. We often hear these beautiful sentences of hope from our elders, friends, or even co-workers. You will often hear...
How I Budget Our Family’s Finances
In the beginning of our relationship, my husband and I had no budget in place for our small family. We had just finished college,...
My New Go-To Baby Shower Gift
Summer is typically a time of fun in the sun and relaxation bliss. But for me, I like to utilize summer to tackle unfinished...
Our Potty Training Saga
I always knew I’d dread the potty training stages, but nothing prepared me for the two years of trial and error that potty training...
My Photo Backup Method
After marrying my husband, I came to realize that not everyone utilizes a photo or file backup method. My husband is that guy that...
My Cheap Trendy Clothes Guide
Shopping cheap has always been a huge passion of mine. I tend to think it’s because of my upbringing and being raised by a...
How I’ve Made Grocery Shopping into a Fun Outing
Life with a toddler means constantly being on the go. Toddlers have an abundance of energy and are constantly looking for different ways to...
I Take Halloween Photos Too Seriously
For most families, Christmas is the favorite holiday. The twinkling lights, parades, and promise of gifts under the Christmas tree usually excite children and...
Meet the Team: Katarina
The Coastal Bend has been my home away from home since before I moved here from the Rio Grande Valley for college in...