Seven years ago, in a bathroom stall of the four-diamond hotel where I worked as a department head, I learned I was pregnant. Yes, very glamorous, I know! In those days, I was a workaholic. Twelve to fourteen hour days...
Reciprocal IVF : Part Two: Planning to Egg Retrieval.  In case you missed Part 1, you can check it out! We left off when Krystal and I had come to the decision to proceed with Reciprocal IVF. For those of...
Have you ever heard the phrase, "I was the perfect parent before I had kids?" That pretty much sums up my experience with motherhood. I have had to learn to become an imperfect parent and my kids are better off...
Expectant mothers around the world prefer sons over daughters often because daughters are considered a “disappointment,” a financial burden, and for various other, often deep- rooted cultural reasons. Unwanted daughters is still a sad reality in many developing countries...
Though many tears accompanied my two-year journey through infertility, there are two specific crying sessions that remain deeply implanted in my memories of those tough times. When we started trying for a baby, we were more than ready. I had...
As a full-time work at home mom, people often act surprised to hear that my daughter also attends daycare full-time. It seems as though their expectation is that she would stay home since I happen to be home {but working}...
    A sense of normalcy amongst the chaos of these days is something we all crave. Today my husband took my son to the swings here on the island. He sanitized them first and took the precautions necessary before putting...
Over the last few years, I have developed some first day of Summer traditions for my two kids. They are not big or extravagant, just something fun to celebrate their hard work and kick off the long days of...
 5:15 a.m. : How is it already 5:15 a.m.? That 2:00 a.m. feeding is brutal; I can’t wait for this kid to start sleeping through the night. 5:45 a.m. : Fifteen minutes till my alarm goes off. 5:55 a.m. : Five minutes 5:57...
In the great debate between breast milk vs. formula, I am the mom very much in the middle. I am in the “in between”. I choose the stance of “and” instead of “or” because I can attest to the...

Life In Coastal Bend

Corpus Christi & Coastal Bend Summer Camp Guide

We’re thrilled to share our annual Guide to Coastal Bend Summer Camps, presented by the Corpus Christi Hooks! Summer is just around the corner and...