I can't be the only mom that is dreading her summer grocery bill! And this year, between grocery prices and my growing children's ability to devour food, I have been really worried about how we will keep up. Obviously, during...
But first, coffee. May your coffee be stronger than your toddler. Life begins after coffee.  You have seen the catchy coffee phrases on mugs, t-shirts, and posters. There is a special relationship between a mom and coffee. It is our...

A Bunch of Scrap

I never meant to get hooked. It started at a party. When #1 was born in 2001, some well meaning mom-friends invited me to a scrapbook party. You know the drill: Meet at a friend's house, eat some appetizers, have a...
I have a problem. My problem is I get rid of stuff VERY frequently. This is because cleaning and organizing are my therapy. I know, I'm weird. Because of this I often have things that are no longer needed...

Holiday Table Decor

I guess it is the event planner in me, but I love to have my dining room table decorated at all times and any excuse to go all out for a holiday, I love even more. Of course, I...
Hello, my name is Madison and I am addicted to school supplies.  I am one of those nerds that gets butterflies at the sight of a crisp new book, an empty calendar page, or a bag full of colored pictures...
Summer is fast approaching and for all you beautiful mommies that typically means you’ll be venturing out on those big summer vacations. Whether you are headed to Oklahoma, or New York or any of the Disney parks, these ten...
When Your House isn't "Picture" Perfect A Coastal Bend Mom Collective House Tour We've all seen those picture perfect home photos on our Instagram feed. Those ones with the empty and super clean sinks, no loaves of bread on the counter....
It's official : we are about to have our entire winter season all in the span of one weekend. It is hard to believe that yesterday we were in shorts and flip-flops and today we are back in our...
I was today years old when I found out that November 15th is National Clean your Refrigerator Day. Ooops. In true 2020 spirit, here we are, celebrating 5 days late. Sigh. PSA: If November 15th does not fall on a...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to April Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...