The One Mom Hack that Revolutionized my Routine (and gave me my life back) When I first got married, I did not have a routine - mainly because house work was not something that came easy, or joyfully to me. I...
Good coffee: Worth The Money and The Time In our house, coffee is an event that rises to the level of sacred ritual. Once, when making a list of life goals I wrote, "Have coffee with my husband every morning."...
The traditional Thanksgiving song Over the River and Through the Woods brings pictures to mind of children bundled up in sweaters, yellow and red leaves on the trees, a fireplace with a blazing fire in Grandmother’s house. South Texas clearly...
Our latest edition to our family pet menagerie? THREE baby Silkie CHICKENS!  We got them from a local farm supply store just in time, as this was their last order of chicks until Spring.  Here they are at one day old!...
Who doesn't love a good Favorite Things party?? Ever since Oprah started her Favorite Things episode a million years ago, we have fallen in love with gift guides, fave things lists and parties, and hearing what items our friends...
Often it is assumed that partners are splitting the chores in the household 50/50. I disagree. As a two-female household people are often curious who does the ‘womens’ chores (aka dishes and laundry) and who does the ‘mens’...
I know I'm not standing all by myself when I say, 'I LOVE FALL!'  It wasn't even officially autumn yet when I bought a new wreath and hung it on my front door. Yay! Welcome Fall! I simply adore everything that...
We moved into our house a little over a year ago. It is the first home we've owned.  Our very own 4 walls. It has the quaintest little back yard with an orange tree in the back corner, it...
I can't be the only mom that is dreading her summer grocery bill! And this year, between grocery prices and my growing children's ability to devour food, I have been really worried about how we will keep up. Obviously, during...
Growing up in Scotland I watched a few American tv shows. Mostly comedies. Friends, Will and Grace, Frasier, and way back in the day, Cheers. They were and still are my reference for all things American. Long live stereotypes. So,...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024