
The Heart of Our Family

It was my third pregnancy. I had two very easy, uncomplicated ones before it. The time came for the big 20 week ultrasound....no big deal. I even remember telling my husband, who usually came for most of the ultrasounds,...
When we had our first daughter, I remember thinking “wow, I’ve never felt this overwhelmed before.” When we had our second daughter 13 months later, and I remember thinking “wow, I’ve never felt this overwhelmed before.” After we had...
My daughter is seven months old, and it took me nine months to gain weight with her. I was one who really did not gain a lot until the very end. But being a full time working mom and wife keeps...
My very imperfect journey to a healthier life started back in 2014. It's not a perfect one by any means but I want to share it anyway. Our second boy was barely 5 months old. One of my closest friends...
Picture it. You are snuggling on the couch before bedtime and your little one tells you his or her head itches. So as any good mom would, you give a look just to make sure all is well. And...
Don’t you just love the holidays? My husband goes crazy with the Christmas decorations and lights, and my kids absolutely love it. I love the attitude of thankfulness, cooler weather, and holiday cheer that fills the air. However, what...
By November, you can already feel it in the air… What is “it”? The holiday spirit! The air is (finally!) starting to cool down, Christmas decorations are taking over Hobby Lobby, soon the kids will be out of school, and...
This is 43- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

This is 43

So, I had a birthday last week...43. Apparently, just because I said I wasn't having any more birthdays after the big 4-0, it wasn't enough to stop them from happening. I actually wasn't afraid of turning forty... it came, I...
October is National Pregnancy and Infant Awareness Loss. Loss is all around us, even more so lately, it seems. However, there are many women who still suffer miscarriages in silence. Many mamas cry silently on Mother’s Day because their arms...
October is National Orthodontic Health Month, a time when orthodontists make a special effort to talk about how their services help others. Who can blame orthodontists for wanting to celebrate? According to the American Association of Orthodontists, 4 million...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024