Big Kid Summer Beach

Big Kid Summer

Currently, I am sitting in a quiet house; there is no toddler or infant attached to my hip. I am not throwing snacks at an angry monster or trying to cart around kids in this terrible heat just to...
Daddy can fix it- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

“Daddy Can Fix It!”

I must admit, I have never been very handy. If something is hard to take apart or fix, I often times ALWAYS seek my husband's assistance. My excuse is that I never had Legos as a child (see this post to understand.)...
Shark Teeth. No, it's not a follow up song to Baby Shark.  Here's the scoop: My five-year-old was eating breakfast one morning, when I noticed he was digging in his mouth. I asked him if had something stuck in his teeth...
Recently I saw the sweetest video of a mother brushing her daughter's hair and telling her all the things she was, Flawless, Beautiful, etc. and the daughter would repeat these affirmations with gusto. As the mother of a one...
A few years ago I was planning my son’s birthday party. A friend casually mentioned the idea of a “fiver party” to me and I was intrigued and wanted to learn more. A fiver party is when guests are...
Around 3 years ago I was sitting at a play date with a few other moms discussing the different ways we motivate and discipline our toddlers/preschoolers. An acquaintance at the time, who would later become a dear friend, introduced...
Now more than ever it is important that we expose and educate our children to individuals, families, and cultures that look different than our own. One of the best (and easiest) ways to do this is in the books...
School is out for the summer, and I'm so proud of my little guy for finishing his first year of kindergarten. But I'm sad because this will be the first summer since he's been born that I'm a working mom,...
Football. The quintessential American sport. Flag. Tackle. Touch. Co-ed. Youth. High school. College. Pro. It’s all football. And it’s all fun. Football brings people together. Family + Community Football season gearing up and boy, does that make me happy. It’s one of the...
April is child abuse awareness month. Child abuse is more prevalent than anyone would care to imagine. It can happen to any child, of any race, any age, and either sex. One in ten children will be sexually abused by...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to April Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...