Back in January our kids approached us and said that they really wanted to share a room with bunk beds, and turn the extra...
To sleep over or to not sleep over?
Next Time Try a Late-Over Instead!
My daughter and I recently heard a new phrase "The Late-Over" and...
So my birthday just passed (August 24th) and it was uneventful. But I plan to change that before the BIG 5-0! Now that I am...
Help Your Child Feel Special on their Birthday
My Mom was the master of birthdays. And because of her passion for birthdays I love birthdays...
The other night my kids asked to watch "the movie with the girl in the red shoes" with me. It was close to bedtime...
How To See Your Kid First and Diabetes Second
(Especially When You Feel Afraid)
My daughter was three years old when she was diagnosed with Type...
Now more than ever it is important that we expose and educate our children to individuals, families, and cultures that look different than our...
The first week of pregnancy starts the first day of your menstrual cycle when you aren’t actually pregnant. So at the time of the...
How to Make Family Dinner Peaceful Again
I used to dread family dinner (and sometimes I still do). I had become a short order chef....
Last year I began homeschooling my daughter in preparation for kindergarten. We focused on academics and worked hard to get her prepared for learning....