Living in the Coastal Bend means staying inside for at least half of the year – it’s either too hot, too cold, or we’re getting hit with a hurricane.
We’ve rounded up some of our favorite blog posts that have great ideas for indoor play for all ages. We’ve highlighted* the ones that don’t require electricity – because we all lose it at least once a year!
Bonus! We’ve rounded up some recipes that don’t require electricity to make!
Babies / Toddlers
Treasure baskets for baby sensory exploration*
Play Dough Prompts for Rainy (Or Cold!) Days
Gingerbread Scented Play Dough
Simple ideas for entertaining babies – we bet you already have all of the supplies!
A great list of fun activities to do with younger and older kids!*
FREE resources to get the wiggles out!
School Aged Kids
DIY Shrinky-Dink Key Chains (shrinky dink plastic can be found here)
Story Time: Creating Stories with Kids
Winter Bingo (can be used during any season!)
Tweens / Teens
33 resources to keep kids inspired and their brains working (most non-electronic!)
BBQ Chicken Pizza on the Grill
One Minute S’mores (can also be done on the grill)