Keeping Kids Entertained Indoors – A Resource Roundup


Living in the Coastal Bend means staying inside for at least half of the year – it’s either too hot, too cold, or we’re getting hit with a hurricane.

We’ve rounded up some of our favorite blog posts that have great ideas for indoor play for all ages. We’ve highlighted* the ones that don’t require electricity – because we all lose it at least once a year!

Bonus! We’ve rounded up some recipes that don’t require electricity to make!

Babies / Toddlers

Sensory Play with Jello*

Sensory play w. Jello FEAT

Mess Free Finger Painting*

15 Ways to Use Stacking Cups*

stacking cups nesting cups

Treasure baskets for baby sensory exploration*

Treasure Basket Ideas

Play Dough Prompts for Rainy (Or Cold!) Days

Playdough Prompts

Gingerbread Scented Play Dough

gingerbread play-dough: coastal bend moms

Simple ideas for entertaining babies – we bet you already have all of the supplies!

ideas for entertaining babies

A great list of fun activities to do with younger and older kids!*


FREE resources to get the wiggles out!

kids workouts

School Aged Kids

10 Fun At Home Activities* 

DIY Bubble Foam

DIY Pop Up Cards*

Graphic with three cards and title of DYI 3-D pop up cards

DIY Shrinky-Dink Key Chains  (shrinky dink plastic can be found here)

Coastal Bend Mom: Shrinky Dink Keychains

Story Time: Creating Stories with Kids

Story Time: Creating Stories With My Little One.

DIY Snow Dough

snow dough: Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Winter Bingo (can be used during any season!)

Winter Break Bingo Game_ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

DIY Fireworks Shirt*

DIY Ice Tie Dye

DIY: Ice Tie Dye

Tweens / Teens

33 resources to keep kids inspired and their brains working (most non-electronic!)



BBQ Chicken Pizza on the Grill

BBQ chicken pizza on the grill

One Minute S’mores (can also be done on the grill)


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