Emily Schofield

Emily Schofield
Emily is new to the Coastal Bend area but enjoys everything it has to offer! Emily and her husband Landon both grew up in Idaho, and came to Kingsville for her husband’s job as a range and wildlife biologist. Emily graduated with her BSN from Brigham Young University-Idaho. Emily has two amazing children, Ashton (6) and Brooks (16 months). Emily has been a SAHM since Brooks was born and is returning to the nursing field this Fall. When she isn’t adventuring with her family, she loves faking insomnia with a good book, trying (and sometimes failing) new recipes, listening to podcasts and taking a bubble bath.
mid morning smoothie: microblog

Micro Blog: A Delicious Mid-morning Smoothie

When we get really down about all this "Corona Virus" stuff our family says "well this _______ is a coronablessing". Some of our recent blessings...
type one diabetes halloween

Microblog: Halloween With Type One Diabetes

In hopes that we can have a slightly "normal" Halloween this year I thought I would share some tips for Halloween with Type One...
Friday Faves | Coastal Bend Mom Collective

FRIDAY FAVES: Five Things Giving Me Life Right Now {Emily}

In a season of parenting that feels especially hard, our team is excited to share some of the things that are making us happy...
Microblog: I am a little sad

Microblog: I am a little sad…

For the past 7 months or so I have craved normalcy. I've craved dropping my kids off at school and daycare, and carrying on...

Micro Blog: Mama you are doing great

The other day felt particularly long. And no matter how fast I ran I still felt like I had accomplished nothing. I sent this...
Pumpkin Snickerdoodles: Coastal Bend Mom's Collective

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

Super Soft Pumpkin Snickerdoodles 10 years ago when I got married Pinterest was not a thing (yet). Holy cow that will always date me won't...
Good Neighbor Day

20 Simple Acts of Service for Good Neighbor Day

Celebrate Good Neighbor Day With 20 Acts of Service September 28 is Good Neighbor Day! This is a special day set aside to reach out and...
abandoning diet culture: coastal bend mom

Abandoning Diet Culture and Finally Feeling Free

Abandoning Diet Culture Once and For All Recognizing my Vicious Cycle of Disordered Eating I didn't realize I had become so indoctrinated with Diet Culture. I snacked...
read a book day: coastal bend mom

10 Books to Read, Celebrate Read a Book Day!

10 Fun Books to Read And Celebrate,  Read a Book Day A few months ago I compiled a list of 10 of my ALL time favorite...
Late Over Corpus Christi Mom's Blog

The “Late-Over”, an alternative to the Sleep-Over

To sleep over or to not sleep over? Next Time Try a Late-Over Instead! My daughter and I recently heard a  new phrase "The Late-Over" and...