20 Simple Acts of Service for Good Neighbor Day


Celebrate Good Neighbor Day

With 20 Acts of Service

September 28 is Good Neighbor Day! This is a special day set aside to reach out and get to know your neighbor. It is a great blessing to have good neighbors, let’s show them we appreciate them!

Good Neighbor Day

I think after the year we have had, our communities and neighborhoods need a little neighborly kindness. This is a great project for the entire family, and the ideas are very simple.

20 Simple Ways to reach out to your neighbor

  1. Paint kindness rocks and hide them for your neighbors to find
  2. Leave them a sweet message with sidewalk chalk near their front walk
  3. Deliver some baked goods (Keep it simple! I love to keep frozen cookie dough around so that I can make some cookies quickly for easy delivery)
  4. That being said, you could always drop off frozen cookie dough
  5. Ask your elderly neighbor if you can take out their trash
  6. Bring in your neighbors trash can from the curb
  7. Ask your neighbor if you can take their dog for a walk
  8. Just be friendly! Be mindful of times you can wave, or ask about their day.
  9. Sit out on the front porch so that you can wave at your neighbors as they drive by
  10. Go on a neighborhood family walk or bike ride and resolve to say “Hello” to everyone you pass.
  11. Offer to rake leaves, weed the flower bed, or any yard work your neighbor may need help with.
  12. Drop off a pizza for no reason at all
  13. Invite a new family over for a backyard BBQ
  14. Invite a neighboring family over for backyard games or dessert
  15. Leave a gift basket when someone in your community has a new baby, or just because
  16. Take a family walk and pick up trash that may be left behind
  17. Have your kids draw pictures for your elderly neighbor and then drop them off with a visit
  18. Help your neighbor unload groceries
  19. Smile at every single person you see during the day (even with a mask on, you can smile with your eyes)
  20. Arrange a baby sit swap night with a neighboring family

(For a few more service ideas check out this post)

good neighbor day

Let us know any ideas you have for an intentional Good Neighbor Day!