Darcy Esparza

Darcy Esparza
Darcy started her professional career in CC in 1994 and immediately moved away for her job, got married to her husband, Louie, and started her family before moving back to the Coastal Bend in 2012. Darcy grew up in Florida before making Texas her home. She has a journalism degree from the University of Florida but is more known for her middle school math teaching career and her now title as co-owner of a local mattress store, BoxDrop Mattress (social medial handle @boxdropcc). Darcy and Louie have been married for more than 20 years, have 4 children, 2 granddaughters, and 2 dogs.
darcy getting tattoo

My First Tattoo..Because I’m 50!

Some might call it a mid-life crisis --- but I don’t care. I’ve always talked about getting “inked”  but I never could actually do it...
Darcy and Louie in the Ocean

Meet The Team:  Darcy Esparza

COASTAL BEND I moved to Corpus Christi back in 1995 (yes, I am the oldest writer on the blog).  I was just 23 years old...

The Last First Day of School

2021 is going to be a BIG year of FIRSTs and LASTs for me (and my daughter). It’s her senior year and I am seriously...

Easy Homemade Whipping Cream

  Everything tastes better when it's homemade!! In today’s Tasty Tuesday - we are whipping up an easy batch of whipped cream. All you need are three...
babydash fb

Baby Dash – Worth it Wednesday

It’s small and cute and easy to use. I am talking about my new Baby Dash! I ordered this adorable griddle iron (it also comes in...

Microblog – Pick up your Masks!

  Has anyone else noticed all of the face masks littering our beautiful community? While I understand that we are living in a reality where face...
Cooked Green Chili Enchiladas

Tasty (and easy!) Recipe for Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas

Living in south Texas and eating Mexican food go hand in hand. And I love enchiladas as much as I love tacos.   For Tasty Tuesday --...

Teenager Gift Ideas

Anyone else struggling with gift-giving for those weird species in our lives known as TEENAGERS? I have TWO of them in my home - and...

Healthy Iced Coffee

Lovers of iced coffee -- listen up!   The fight to be healthy and our love of java juice can now coexist with this Healthy Iced...

Game, Set, Match!

I DID IT!  I officially crossed off one item from my turning 50 Bucket List. Back in August, I wrote about the 4 things I...