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Ladies, I love to shop! My husband even goes as far to say that it is my hobby and actually, I can’t disagree with that, I’m really good at it! But I guess I should be a little more specific, because I do NOT like to shop for cars, groceries or bras… ugh, I loathe bra shopping! Like, give me a root canal over that any day, puh-lease! I do, however, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY love shopping for purses, jewelry and makeup!
Maybe even a little too much, if you ask my bank account… or my husband! Why not clothes, you ask? Well, unlike clothes, makeup and accessories ALWAYS fit, no matter how much you eat. (Which, I should also add, is another hobby of mine! This mama loves her food, even though my waistline doesn’t!) I shop for my lovely goodies any way I can, whether it be online or in the good old brick and mortar store. But since I have two young boys, online shopping is where it’s at for me right now.
And, I must add, God really saved my marriage and my bank account by giving me boys! Can you imagine me with girls?!? Oye Vey! Glitter and pink and monogrammed EVERYTHING times three would equal DIVORCE, DEBT AND DESTITUTION! But, hey, we’d look good, even if we’d be homeless and broke!
But, like I said before I got sidetracked, which happens a lot with my mommy brain.
I’m currently into online shopping. Since I like to accessorize with unique finds so I don’t look like every other lady I pass, I really like trolling Instagram for adorable online boutiques or lesser known stores that we aren’t fortunate enough to have here in South Texas. And, since I am nice and I like to share, I decided to compile a list of a few of the stores I have discovered and let you in on these fabulous finds! Plus, after reading about the Mox Shoes (which are awesome by the way!) I was inspired to write my own little blog about my favorite kinda therapy, retail therapy! I love to shop and love to share the cool places I’ve discovered! And if these businesses would like to thank me in merch, I’d be more than happy to accept! Just sayin’!

1. Cuyana– This San Francisco based company is truly dreamy! Their name “Cuyana” means “to love” and if you are anything like me, you will LOVE their goods. They have everything from soft, luxurious cashmere sweaters to luscious leather handbags that can be monogrammed. I have their Classic Leather Tote (which I had monogrammed, of course) and I can only say good things about it. Its roomy, well made, beautiful and it smells amazing, if you like that leather smell! Cuyana’s philosophy is “Fewer, Better” so if you are looking for a classic, timeless style and products that are well crafted, you should definitely head on over to their website and check them out!
2. Lauren B Beauty– I admit it, I am a makeup (mascara, eye shadow, lipstick) kinda girl. But I’ve never been into doing my nails. I’m the one friend in my group whose toenails are not painted. (Horrible, I know!) If they are, there is a good chance that the paint is chipping. (Even worse!) But Lauren B. Beauty has changed my mind on that! Their nail polishes are made in the U.S.A. and come in a variety of must have, trendy colors. Even better, they dry fast and are not filled with all the horrible chemicals like the polishes at the grocery store. While their prices are a little high ($18 for polish,) I can personally attest to them being worth it. The finish, even without a topcoat, looks professional! I have a terribly unsteady hand (think 3 year old’s artwork) when applying polish, but once I cleaned up the edges with a little polish remover, it looked like I’d finally got that pedicure I’ve been yearning for and desperately needing!
3. Duck and Dressing– If you are a fan of Duck Dynasty this may sound familiar to you. Willie and Korie Robertston’s daughter, Rebecca, owns this adorable boutique. Although it is a brick and mortar store in Monroe, Louisiana, I first found out about them on Instagram. After months of ogling their pretties, this last summer I was lucky enough to visit her store. Her Instagram doesn’t do this store justice. IT. IS. SO. CUTE. They have hip clothes, shoes, handbags, sunglasses, jewelry, etc., The list of cuteness goes on and on! I purchased a few unique necklaces for great prices! I wear them all the time and get compliments every time I wear them! One cool thing she is doing now is a monthly Trend Box. You can sign up for a monthly $25, $50 or $100 box and get double the value in trendy accessories, clothing and gifts. Um, yes please!!
4. 31 Bits– If you haven’t figured it out yet, I have a thing for jewelry and 31 Bits jewelry totally fits the bill for unique and fashionable designs. They originally started with jewelry made from paper beads by ladies in Uganda, but they have now added a line of jewelry made by artisans in Indonesia. I have quite a few unique pieces from them and they don’t disappoint. I always get compliments when I wear them. It also helps knowing that through my (or your) purchase of these dazzling pretties, the artisans in Uganda and Indonesia are being empowered and kept out of poverty. So it’s a two-fer! You help people out and you look fabulous doing it! Can’t beat that, can you?

Let’s Talk Purses!
Let’s face it, kids are expensive, I’m not made out of money and then there are those nasty thing called bills, so I do have to curb my spending from time to time and wait for birthdays, Christmas, etc. to indulge on my absolute favorite accessory… purses! I currently have my eye on a couple of different ones from some really cool companies so I thought I’d share those too, especially if you are looking at things to get me for my birthday, which is in May, by the way! Ha! Just kidding! But really, if you are like me and want to carry a bag that is unique and not like everyone else’s, check out these cool companies. I haven’t purchased anything from them yet, but I cannot wait to try them out one day!
1. Indigo Laine & Co– This store happens to be owned by one of the coolest and cutest gals I know. She is a fellow South Texas mom with an amazing sense of style! Her handmade products have a unique vintage boho vibe. She is a self-taught artisan and hand sews all of her beautiful goods with leather and European and African textiles which help create her own unique designs. Indigo Laine & Co. desires to be authentic and when you see their fabulous bags and accessories, you will definitely see they do that! They will even custom make a bag for you if you have a special material (animal hide, Indian Rug, etc.) you want to incorporate into a one of a kind bag! I haven’t yet bought a bag from her only because I can’t decide which one to get. I love them all, but unfortunately, the hubs won’t let me get one of each. To which I say, “How Rude!” But when I do finally decide on a bag, I know I will love it and be stylin’, to boot!
2. R.RIVETER– I’ve always dreamed of being a “momprenuer” who helps to employ other stay at home moms, so this company totally got my attention when I came across it on Instagram. It was created/founded by two military spouses looking for a way to make income, no matter where they and their spouses were stationed. They hire other military spouses and ship the materials to them to create the parts. Then, the parts are shipped back to their shop outside of Fort Bragg, North Carolina to be assembled and inspected before being shipped to the lucky customer. RRiveter was featured on the show, Shark Tank, and scored a deal with Mark Cuban! They have accessories and home décor, but their fashionable bags made from canvas and leather are what got my attention. I’ve been ogling “The Patton” in black and brown. It is so non-typical of the leather totes/shoulder bags I usually carry, but that’s what I love about it.
3. Fashionable– Apparently, I have a thing for companies that make beautiful accessories that also give back, and Fashionable is no exception! Their product list includes, beautiful handmade leather totes and handbags to chic jewelry and scarves, and even a few home goods. Per their website, the handbags and scarves are made in Ethiopia and the jewelry is made in Nashville, Tennessee by women who have overcome addictions, prostitution, homelessness and other life-altering struggles. The headline on their webpage is “Beautiful products by women who have overcome” and I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been admiring their leather purses for a while now and am hoping to score one for my birthday. They have so many different designs and colors (they have a new blush, pink color that is SO amazing and totally in this season!) that I am once again having a heck of a time deciding! I know, #firstworldproblems, but I want them all! Who knows, maybe they’ll read this blog and just feel compelled to do just that and gift me all of them! Ha! A girl can dream, right? And that would be a good dream!
If you like to shop for fabulous accessories, I hope you found this list of places I’ve mentioned intriguing! I hope you decide to check some of these places out and if you are lucky enough to make a purchase, share with me what goodies you bought and how much you love them! Better yet, if you have already heard of these shops or bought from them, let me know!