It’s a little unbelievable Thanksgiving is around the corner. Ready or not…it is time for turkey and dressing and all the fixings! Though it sounds delicious, the idea of having the same turkey, dressing, and sides at the multiple...
I recently read the book Horton Hears a Who to my 4th-grade class.  For those of you who are not familiar with the story, Horton is a lovable elephant who lives in the Jungle of Nool. He takes on...
Rock the Vote

Get out and VOTE!

  I remember when I turned eighteen, I was super excited because it was an election year....a PRESIDENTIAL election. I could not wait to vote. There was something that seemed so grown up about being able to vote. I'll be totally honest. I...
Becoming a Mother has been one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences of my life. Yet with each of my babies I feel like I have lost a portion of myself. She's in there somewhere, but sometimes it's...
I am sure we are like most families: one or two nights a week we have that evening where each of our kids has an activity that overlaps and by the time we all get home it is after...
My daughter is not quite a teen yet, but I have plenty of nieces and friends who have kids that are tweens/teenagers. Observing them over time I have noticed this change that occurs when they reach a certain age....
We all have those old school things that we miss about when we were growing up. Things that we wish we could bring back. I have my top three old school activities, which I am planning on bringing back. Handwritten Letters Did...
The words that are spoken into your life are very powerful.  As a young mom I was always questioning my ability as a mother, and wondering if I was good enough. I think most of us have struggled with those feelings...
It's only been a hot minute since the Super Bowl aired, and, if you missed the game, you may have been surprised the next day when you opened your social media accounts to see there was some MAJOR debate...
Family Game Night: Games We love Right Now! This last year our family fell in love with game night. We've always enjoyed games, but we always felt we were too "busy" to play them often. With so much more time...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to April Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...