I remember when I turned eighteen, I was super excited because it was an election year….a PRESIDENTIAL election. I could not wait to vote.
There was something that seemed so grown up
about being able to vote.
I’ll be totally honest. I did not educate myself on the candidates and did not know the difference between a Republican or a Democrat. I had no idea what they stood for or what they planned to do to make our country better. I would have had to read the newspaper…a LOT. There was no internet or Google in 1992. I totes voted how my parents did. Easy peasey. I have voted in every presidential election since and in some primaries. I, unfortunately, have not been so diligent when it comes to local and/or mid-term elections.
That all changed this year.
I made a promise to myself that this year, I would pay more attention. This year, I would do my research, educate myself, and be ready to vote in the mid-terms on November 6. I wanted to know these people that were representing me and my family. These people are making very important decisions that can be as big as healthcare options to the conditions of the roads where we live.
I know what you are thinking…I don’t even know where to start.
Well, first step is to make sure you are registered to vote
and make sure you know the deadline to register.
You can find all that by clicking the link below:
Important Dates for Nueces County
Last day to register to vote: October 9, 2018
Early Voting: October 22-November 2, 2018
Last day to submit an application for ballot by mail: October 26, 2018
Now, next step, which is going to take some time and effort…RESEARCH. Do you know your state representatives? What about senators? Do you know their positions on important topics that pertain to you and your family? The internet and social media CAN be very helpful, but beware…there is a lot of misinformation out there, so be prepared to do a little fact checking.
Look, I know it can be overwhelming…there is a ton of information out there…almost too much. Just dedicate a little bit of time each week or day (whatever your schedule will allow) and educate yourself.
Your voice NEEDS to be heard.
We are lucky to live in a democracy where we can have a say. Many fought for us to have the right. We should always honor that and USE it..
You so hot !!
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