The words that are spoken into your life are very powerful.
As a young mom I was always questioning my ability as a mother, and wondering if I was good enough. I think most of us have struggled with those feelings of inadequacy. So when you have someone near and dear to your heart tell you that you are not a good mom. {Gut punch.} Well….that starts to dwell in your mind.
I often wondered if I was doing enough?
Was I being a good role model?
Was I around enough?
My journey as a mom started with a lot insecurities in large part because I was not even sure who I was as a person.
I always felt the need to prove my mom abilities, when all along I just needed to be secure and KNOW that I was chosen to be the mom to my daughter.
Although my plan was not be a young mother, I am sure glad that I was one.
My daughter is one of the biggest blessings in my life. She has shown me – through this journey together – that I was a great mom to her.
Did I fail her? Of course I did at times.
Was I perfect? By no means.
But you know what? I became a better mom when I turned off those negative voices of others or in my own mind telling me I was not good enough. I overcame those feelings when I was ok with learning to be the best mom that I could be. I overcame when I learned from others on what to do and what not to do. I overcame when I finally decided I that I was on a journey to be best mom that I was called to be. I learned comparison to others not only holds you back on personal growth, but it also leads you to be someone you are not.