It is already April and that means the dreaded STAAR test. As a former teacher I know that hatred of this test, and testing in general. I think what teachers also hate even more is how hard it is...
Homeschool. Why do we do it? Well, in a galaxy, far far away....oops, sorry, that's the wrong story.
In 2005 we spent my middle son's entire 4th grade year battling bullies. It absolutely broke my heart each day when he...
"There's nothing to do in Corpus Christi."
"Corpus is so BORING!"
"Why can't we be more like (insert trendy city here)?"
Husband and I moved here in 1997. ON PURPOSE. Locals are genuinely surprised when they learn that Corpus Christi is our...
Our eyes meet from across the room and we both smile shyly at each other. We fidget with our hands while waiting to make the first move. After what seems like an eternity of wanting to talk to each...
Date Nights... how many of us have them? But when is the last time you went somewhere new and exciting?
Between work, kids, and extra-curricular activities... it's hard to find time to fit in that special night with your significant...
I never meant to get hooked.
It started at a party.
When #1 was born in 2001, some well meaning mom-friends invited me to a scrapbook party. You know the drill: Meet at a friend's house, eat some appetizers, have a...
April is child abuse awareness month.
Child abuse is more prevalent than anyone would care to imagine. It can happen to any child, of any race, any age, and either sex. One in ten children will be sexually abused by...
I finally had my first mom weekend away, eleven months in.
By no means was it because I was scared to do so or nervous about my husband watching our little girl. Opportunities just hadn't presented themselves, and with me...
I will never forget the day I first heard the story of Maggie’s death. Maggie was a beautiful two-year-old little girl who was killed by her caregiver one afternoon while her parents were at work and her older brother...
Here's to your kids:
The kid who loves to read
The kid who would rather watch a movie
The kid who loves to make noise
The kid who is quiet
The kid who loves to play sports
The kid that does not like sports
The kid...