LaToya Rodriguez

LaToya Rodriguez
LaToya is loving life in Corpus Christi. Although she is not a native Texan she claims she got here as fast as she could! She graduated high school and college in Corpus Christi, and considered moving, as a newlywed but decided to stay close to family and friends. She easily makes new friends everywhere she goes, and is extremely excited to be apart of the CC Moms Blog. As a working wife and mother of two she is always on the go. You will most likely catch her jamming to gansta rap when her kids aren't around, at the beach with her family, or representing Aflac at local events. She loves the outdoors, but enjoys a good Netflix binge, or reading a book in one sitting.
Racism in the Workplace

Mean Girls or Racism : Navigating a Tough Workspace

Black women will always be too loud for a world that never intended on listening to them Speak up anyway. @speaklovetoher   I screen grabbed this...
Profile | LaToya Rodriguez | Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Mezclados in STX

 Aye que chulo, los mezclados! Que tiene? Oh! How cute! Little mixed kids! What do they have (mixed in)? As a black mother I hear it...

We Love the Coastal Bend : Series || Whitecap Beach

  The water is therapeutic to me. Whether I am happy or sad, alone or with loved ones, I seek the water.  Shortly after my husband...
Things to Do: Teenagers: Corpus Christi: Coastal Bend Moms

What to do with Teens who think they are on a “Corona-cation”

Teens are hard y'all! I totally feel for you during this time of social distancing.  We are trying to come up with ideas to keep...
Martin Luther King Day Lesson and Quiz : Coastal Bend Mom Co

Martin Luther King Jr History Lesson & Quiz + an Invitation

I often like to quiz the my son (8) and daughter (7)  as we sit down to dinner or are just chatting. They think...
A Christmas Carol | Harbor Playhouse | Coastal Bend | Corpus Christi Moms

A review of A Christmas Carol at the Harbor Playhouse

A Christmas Carol at the Harbor Playhouse  is giving us all the holiday feels! My entire family attended opening weekend, and from a 1st...

DIY Photo Canvas : Let’s finally USE those school pictures!

I love DIY crafts and finding ways to save money, while switching up my decor often! Follow this tutorial to make a DIY Photo...

After School Checklist: How to stay sane when you’re Back To School

If the after school hours in your house are as crazy as mine, you may be dreading back to school! After a long relaxing summer,...
Profile | LaToya Rodriguez | Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Corpus Christi Moms Blog – Meet LaToya

Corpus Christi I never thought I would end up staying in Corpus Christi. I always aspired to get out of this town. But the second...