Corpus Christi
I never thought I would end up staying in Corpus Christi.
I always aspired to get out of this town. But the second I got the chance I got cold feet. With family all across the US, I have been blessed to see so much of the United States, yet still here I am! Even though I was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma I call Corpus Christi home. Even though my husband claims I come from the foreign land of Oklahoma, I did all my schooling up through college here in Corpus Christi. As a newlywed I still tried to get my husband to leave this town, he just couldn’t make the jump either. We LOVE our life in CC, especially being so close to the beach, fishing, and so many new fun attractions. At least once a week you will find us at Hurricane Alley, The Texas State Aquarium, or Whataburger field.
My husband and I were married in 2007, after 7 years of dating. We had such fun as young newlyweds we said we it would be years until we had children, we were way too selfish! Though we are blissfully happy now with our two children this wasn’t always the case. After the loss of our first pregnancy when I was 27 I battled depression, infertility, and PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Even with all those barriers I longed for a baby, especially since doctors told me it would never happen naturally. We went on to undergo two years of fertility treatments, it became such a scientific event the act of making a baby was hardly any fun. We had enough money for one more treatment and agreed if it wasn’t successful we would find a way to move on with our lives. Aiden was conceived on that last treatment, we couldn’t have been happier! I was paranoid as heck, but ecstatic to finally get a chance to be a mother! He was so bright, curious, and strong as a baby! I wanted to do all the new Mommy things. We learned baby sign, did tummy time together, and I recorded every moment! On his first birthday I realized I was pregnant again! Naturally! With this pregnancy came a whole different set of challenges as I was also caring for an aging elder, and working part time! You know Mom – life. As we never expected a second baby we knew things would have to change with another set of pampers to buy. I could no longer take care of my Granny in our home as I physically could not care for her. When Addyson came home our family was complete with a little girl. However, as cliche as it is , second child syndrome is real! After that maternity leave I didn’t have the leisure that I did with Aiden, I had to go back to work full time and depend on family and friends for help to watch them so we could afford diapers for two.
That dreaded word was the only thing I feared. I didn’t ask for help, I did everything, with a smile on my face, grit and determination. Cause that is what good Southern girls do, and honestly that was just me and it never really bothered me. As time went on it was harder to balance, I became forgetful and things fell through the cracks. That’s about the time Pinterest was getting popular and thank goodness for it! I found a way to connect with other Women and Moms, share ideas, get tips tricks and inspiration , in between feedings and nap times of course! Life was getting back on track, and I could breathe again!
My Motto: I once read a quote once that said something along the lines of if you’re busy you don’t have time to doubt, be fearful, or worry.
That was kind of the philosophy I have tried to adopt in the last year or so and the story behind my Instagram handle @bemore_ domore_mom. I find that when I keep myself busy I don’t have time to doubt myself and my abilities, I don’t have time to fear, or think about those what if’s. I let my work blend with my family life and my social life so that I don’t feel like I’m working 24/7, or that I am failing at work, cause I am winning at Mom – life. The two are always front of my mind as it is in my nature to care for people as a wife, a Mom and a person in general. So when the contributor call arose to be apart of the Corpus Christi Mom’s Blog I seized the opportunity even though I had no idea how to blog!
Just say Yes and figure it out later is another motto of mine!
I love volunteering, being challenged to reach out of my comfort zone, and reaching out to other Mom’s as I know motherhood can be isolating and at times scary! (There is no manual for this!) Corpus Christi Mom’s is the perfect opportunity for me to fulfill my passion for Motherhood with my love for my community! I am a social butterfly so when you see me out , stop me and say Hi!