If the after school hours in your house are as crazy as mine, you may be dreading back to school!
After a long relaxing summer, it’s hard to fall back into a routine. I am solving this with an after school checklist. This will be especially helpful for the young kids who forget what you said two seconds after you said it, and the older ones who just don’t listen! I find myself sounding like a broken record on repeat: ” Pick up your shoes, do your homework, where is your lunch box? ”
It is such a joy now that both of my kids can read!
Checklists and Chore Charts are a must in my house! And, I love a good Mom Hack so, You’re welcome! 😉
I included the top seven things I nag my kids to do before they watch TV or play! Hopefully this will work for your family too!
You can print it out here and put it on your bulletin board, or in a frame!
The best place for us to post our checklist, is the bathroom door between both the kid’s rooms. They absolutely cannot say they haven’t seen it!
I also use this space to put up the school newsletter or any other important notes or papers I need everyone to be aware of {or just not lose for a few days, ha!}.
I put ours in page protectors, so they can be checked off with dry-erase markers — pro tip: you can do the same with a frame. Although I would recommend replacing any glass with a plexi glass. I do this with frames on tables or high-traffic areas that may be hit with a stray foam bullet or Barbie car. You can get standard frame size plexi glass at Hobby Lobby in the framing section. Be sure to check out the sale ads or use a mobile coupon for the best deal!
The after-school checklist will be especially helpful as it takes a village to raise my kids and they are sometimes picked up by Grandparents or Aunts, depending on our work schedules. My children will take advantage of that “free” time in a heartbeat and forget they have homework and chores once they arrive at home. I cannot tell you how many times I have come home and immediately tripped over a pair of shoes only to find children sprawled out on the couch chilling with Netflix and popcorn like it’s movie night! Nothing is done and we have to be at some after-school activity in 30 minutes now I am scrambling to get it all done so our whole evening isn’t messed up. So fingers crossed this pre-planning helps us all avoid the after-school drama.
Be sure to check out other DIY posts, Mom Hacks, and favorite the Coastal Bend Moms on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook for more!