Jessica Davila

Jessica Davila
Jessica has lived in Corpus Christi almost all her life and loves it. Together with her husband Roy they are raising their beautiful , almost 6 year old daughter, Angelina. Being a stay at home mom has taught her a lot and she treasures each moment of motherhood. Jessica is quiet in person, but give her a pen and paper and she will write a novel. She loves reading, writing, watching movies and listening to music. She is a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan and loves anything chocolate. She is very excited to begin her blogging adventure, and getting to know the CCMB community of mommas.
food adventures Corpus Christi

Microblog: Confessions of a ‘Junk’ Food Junkie.

Fishing for Beginners-Tips & Advice from Coastal Bend Locals

Fishing for Beginners- Tips & Advice from Coastal Bend Locals

(Note: I did not receive any compensation to mention the local fishing business in this post.) Hello Coastal Bend readers! Can y’all believe that I...

Dad’s Favorite Movies- Just in time for Father’s Day!

Father’s Day is coming up this month and I was thinking about what to do for my husband. Obviously, dads are just like moms:...

Keeping in touch with Friends. (Celebrating National Best Friends Day!)

National Best Friends Day is coming up on June 8th. A good way to celebrate is by checking in on your closest pals. Every mom...

We Love the Coastal Bend : Series || The Beauty

I don’t think I have a favorite ‘thing’ per se, but one thing I absolutely love about the Coastal Bend is how beautiful it...

In honor of the unsung HERO… the childcare worker.

A long time ago… before my motherhood days, my first real job was taking care of little ones. I worked as a childcare worker/daycare...

Make it a Memory : Designate today a MOVIE DAY : Microblog

When I’m having a stressful day, I like to watch movies… they transport me to a different place and time. I can forget what’s going...

It’s okay…NOT to be okay. Grappling with my Grief.

This post is dedicated to anyone who is grieving and feeling the loss of a loved one. I’m grappling with grief right now. My fellow moms…...

When mom has surgery | The unexpected anxiety kicks in

I’m sitting here on my couch right now trying to take it easy. Last week I had to have laparoscopic surgery. One might think that I...
The Catholic Advent Wreath

Celebrating a Catholic Christmas: Some of our Traditions.

I come from a Catholic family. When holidays come around, we have special traditions that we participate in together. Some people may not know...