It didn’t take long for a fresh slap of reality to teach me what the coach’s wife life was really all about.
There is no money:
Seriously. I know y’all only hear about the coaches making 6+ figures, but the rest of the collegiate coaching world would realistically make more money at a high school. Did you know there is such thing as a “volunteer” coach? Yep. My husband paid his dues with three years of more than full-time work for no paycheck. Four schools and four years later, he landed a job that offered part-time pay. That became full-time – with an agreement to teach bowling classes. A master’s degree and seven years of experience later, we can finally say for the first time ever that he’s getting a full-time paycheck solely to coach baseball {buh-bye, bowling!} By the way, the younger, more naive, Sara turned down a job offer out of college because it didn’t pay enough. That job paid more than my husband makes now.
There is no off season:
“When is his off season?” Y’all, it does not exist. Technically the games are scheduled from January to May, but before that there’s practice, and fall ball when school starts, and camps over the summer. Don’t forget weights before sunrise and midnight bus rides. And 24/7 recruiting. Showcases, visits, calls, texts, e-mails… it is truly non-stop. I always joke that my husband could legitimately be having an affair and I would have no idea because it’s always “a recruit.” The loneliness can be tough as a wife, and downright HARD as a mom, so we do take advantage of “slower” times during summer and winter for holidays and vacations, but coaching is absolutely an all day, every day thing.
There is no job security:
Most importantly, there is NO better life:
Despite all the “no”s, I am so thankful God chose this path for me. Becoming a coach’s wife will forever be one of the best “yes”s of my life.
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