Life without a microwave


About 2 months ago we decided to get rid of our microwave.

We’ve had heard about all the toxins and radiation that can potentially get into our food as a result of being microwaved. We did some research and found many inconclusive articles, however, we have been working on reducing the toxins in our home.  So, to err on the safe side, and after a lot of back and forth, we pulled the trigger and just sold our microwave.

One of the main reason that we hadn’t made the change yet was because we just couldn’t fathom the inconvenience of heating up our coffee without one.

{I know I’m not the only Mama that heats up her coffee a million times a day.}

When we had a microwave I would sometimes find coffee from the day before in the microwave at noon the next day! Honestly, less coffee wasted is a total plus to this new situation.

I will tell you what: it hasn’t been nearly as horrible as we originally thought.

We have a small stainless steel sauce pan that we keep on the stove to heat up our coffee throughout the day. If you set it on high it takes about the same one 0r two minutes it takes in the microwave so NOT a big deal at all.

Pro tip: don’t leave your coffee on the stove thinking “oh, I’ll be right back” believe me it goes from cold to boiling over in a matter of seconds and you know that you will NOT be right back and you won’t remember until you smell the burnt coffee.

{Ask me how I know this… lol!}

Thankfully a little Dawn dish soap, baking soda, hot water, and an overnight soak are enough to get the burnt coffee off. It does take some steel wool and elbow grease, but you can get your pot back to its original glory if you do forget your coffee on the stove. It has only happened to us twice so not bad if you ask me! 

Coffee was our main concern when discussing the possibility of getting rid of the microwave since we both heat coffee up a lot!

As for heating up other food, it has just taken a bit of getting used to. A little thinking ahead and turning the stove or oven on before doing any other prep, and is all it’s taken care of.

As with anything else, it took us a few days to get used to life without our microwave, but it’s been totally doable and now we don’t even miss it at all! 

So if you are wanting to reduce the toxins that go into your body and preserve the nutritional integrity of your food but you have been on the fence about it. Let me tell you it is NOT as hard as it sounds. You will get used to it in no time and the benefits are worth it, in my opinion!

Full Disclosure: an online search suggested that microwaves are not harmful and that they are even a healthier way to cook your food. Our decision was based on the knowledge and opinion of a trusted source (a Neuroscientist graduated from Stanford).

As with everything else I encourage you to do your own research, find your own trusted sources, and make your own informed decisions. That’s really all we can do in this era of all the information at our fingertips. 

What about you? Have you ditched your microwave or can you not imagine your life without yours? Share with us!



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Paulina was born and raised in Mexico City. She married her husband, Bruce, in 2009 down in Mexico and at the begining of 2010 they moved to the States. Together they have 4 boys: Evan in Heaven, Ethan 6, Jason 5, and Jackson 3. They moved to the Coastal Bend 2.5 years ago to open Snowie Bus of Corpus Christi. They homeschool the kids and live a very laid back life. They dream of full-time traveling sometime in the not too distant future. Paulina has recently discovered a love of woodworking and kind of accidentally started Coy Woodworks. She also LOVES Netflix, sleeping, slow mornings, unbusy schedules, coffee, Audible, and being indoors! She is an introvert at heart and can spend days at a time at home with no need to go anywhere. The boys not much so she is always on the look out for fun activities and adventures!