Disclaimer :: This is a sponsored post from Nurse-Family Partnership at United Way of the Coastal Bend. Expecting your first child can be a time of excitement and joy, but for most women there are also a lot of questions, nerves...
My Parenting Style

Finding My Parenting Style

    Growing up, I always thought that my parents were way more strict with me than they were with my brother. I was older, but noticed that when he was in high school, he was allowed to do things that I...
Have you ever thought of yourself as a role model?  The term role model is often used and sometimes we may be intimidated and think we are not role models.  Recently, I was reflecting and thinking of how not only what...
We are so excited to be partnering with Beth Overton, LM, CPM from the Corpus Christi Birth Center to bring you periodical articles pertaining to a more holistic approach to pregnancy and child birth. I you're interested in more...
When I was pregnant, one of the things I was most nervous about was breastfeeding. I wanted to make sure I was doing it right, because I wanted the best for my baby. I didn't want to be that terrible...
I'm from the generation that knows a world with and without the internet. Before Google and WebMD, there was the library and biology class. If you had told a younger me that I would one day use technology -...
In the great debate between breast milk vs. formula, I am the mom very much in the middle. I am in the “in between”. I choose the stance of “and” instead of “or” because I can attest to the...
Breastfeeding….. It is probably one of THE MOST important jobs in the world (it certainly was before formula), and also probably one of the most forgotten and thankless jobs at the same time. I have been in it before...
There are so many ways to document and keep memories of your children, but yet so little time to actually follow through as they hit these big milestones. Here I’ve compiled a list of Pinterest worthy, yet easy ways...
With the anticipation of our second boy to arrive, all I can think of is: How is it going to affect my first born son? Will he feel left out? Will he love on his new baby brother? Will he...

Life In Coastal Bend

Guide to Events in the Coastal Bend

The Coastal Bend is FULL of events and we are so excited to share them with you and encourage you to get out and...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024