It was so easy being a mama of two boys, until they hit their terribles together. Boy #1 started the terribles at age 3 and boy #2 started at age 2. They are 22 months apart, and at that...
To my dearest firstborn, I thank God for you each and every day. You are one of, if not THE top blessing that has given meaning to my life. Before you, I had no idea my heart could physically ache...
An Adoption Birth Story- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

An Adoptive Mum’s Birthstory

The phone call came in June, about 2 weeks after I had accepted a full time teaching job. We had been matched with a birth-mother in Virginia Beach, VA. She was due in September, about 6 weeks into the...
Reciprocal IVF : Part Two: Planning to Egg Retrieval.  In case you missed Part 1, you can check it out! We left off when Krystal and I had come to the decision to proceed with Reciprocal IVF. For those of...
As a first time mom, I find myself always getting advice from other moms, whether I want it or not. I am not complaining, because any advice is helpful. However, I do not agree with mom shaming. I have not...
Mom kissing her baby : Coastal Bend Mom Collective

Motherhood After Loss

As I begin writing this, I’m snuggled on the couch with my second healthy, living child. He’s fast asleep, and his older brother is also napping in the next room. They’re both incredibly healthy, full of life, love and laughter....
Motherhood didn’t come easy for my mom. After a few complications and fertility drug treatments, she had my older sister in 1984, and was finally able to add three more children to her family in 1986. We just all happened...
A Letter to My Unborn: Musings of a First-Time Mom My dearest Gus, As I sit here with pad and paper, I can feel you bopping around in my stomach. Occasionally, one of your jabs is so strong it moves my...
It was my thirty-three week checkup. My husband and I had a full day ahead of us. Make and deliver a flower arrangement, go to appointment with midwife, grab something to eat, and take the dog to vet. And...
My Parenting Style

Finding My Parenting Style

    Growing up, I always thought that my parents were way more strict with me than they were with my brother. I was older, but noticed that when he was in high school, he was allowed to do things that I...

Life In Coastal Bend

Corpus Christi & Coastal Bend Summer Camp Guide

We’re thrilled to share our annual Guide to Coastal Bend Summer Camps, presented by the Corpus Christi Hooks! Summer is just around the corner and...