A Letter to My Unborn: Musings of a First-Time Mom
My dearest Gus,
As I sit here with pad and paper, I can feel you bopping around in my stomach. Occasionally, one of your jabs is so strong it moves my notebook.
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I’m so fascinated by you. Who are you?? Who are you going to be?
Today we reached the third trimester. We are on the home stretch. I am overwhelmed by that. If any one person were to ask me to describe being pregnant with one word, it would be that: overwhelming.
A secret, my sweet boy? I never really wanted to have children. It was not until I met your dad that I ever even contemplated it. But I just love your dad so much that curiosity and then a longing to share him with someone – you – overcame me.
I wonder if you will be like him. He is kind and patient. He is humble in his wisdom, which just makes his words even more desirable to feast on. I hope you treasure his words.
Your father and I are both dreamers. I wonder if you will be a dreamer, too, or if you will be so practical that even at an early age you will grow frustrated with us. And I will just giggle at your pursed lips and kiss your furrowed brow.
I wonder what will make your heart soar. Will it be wildlife? The ocean? The infinities of the night sky or the tangible numbers that make up pi? Will it be the hearts of others? I wonder if you will have a thirst for book knowledge, or if the windows in classrooms will taunt you. What will you teach me, little one?
Sometimes, if I let it, it scares me that we are bringing you into this world. I want nothing but the best for you. I want no harm to come to you. I know pain is inevitable, I am no stranger to it. My little one, I pray that your life is full of love and goodness and wholeness. That the desires of your heart are fulfilled.
I pray you grow to be a strong man. I’m almost scared of you being as stubborn and strong-willed as I know you have the potential to be, but secretly I hope that you are. I hope that you have a kind heart and are strong in your convictions.
I wonder what recessive gene you will bring from families past. I wonder if you’ll come out curly mopped and button nosed.
I am so terrified to meet you. Not of you, dear one. Of me. I hope with everything in me that I am the mother you need. That my love reaches in and touches you from the tip of your tiny toes to the very top of your precious head.
My little Gus, I don’t know what our future holds, but I can promise you with all that I am that we will love you with all that we are. We can’t wait to meet you.
All my love,
{Are you a Coastal Bend mom, are you expecting your first born? Join our community of moms to ask questions, play-dates and more!}
So beautiful!
Enjoy the journey!
So sweet….you will be the best mama this little man could ever hope to have.
I love that you wrote this letter for him! Motherhood is a hard journey, but if there is one thing that I have learned from my children it is this… there is no perfect way of parenting and that is okay. Enjoy your journey!
Love this! Looking forward to reading more about your mommy journey in the future!
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