Madison O'Brien

Madison O
Madison is a Texas A&M Graduate who is beginning her 6th year as a Technical Theatre teacher and 3rd year at Gregory-Portland High School. She and her wife moved to the coastal bend to be closer to family as they began the fertility process to grow their family. Madison and her wife were thrilled to welcome their daughter, Amelia, to the family in May via Reciprocal IVF. Madison has also begun working toward her Masters degree in Educational Administration at TAMUCC (gotta keep it in the Aggie family!) Talk about one busy mama! Madison enjoys time outside and has always loved to write for her own personal blog in her free time. She is so excited to start this new adventure of motherhood and to be joining the wonderful community of Corpus Christi Moms on the blog!

Worth It Wednesday: At Home Manicure

This mama loves to have her nails done, but hates to spend the money and the 2 hours it takes to travel to the...

Valentine’s Day Breakfast

Last year Emily shared with us how to Fill Your Kids Love Tank. One of her suggestions was Valentine’s Day Breakfast. Since Valentine’s Day...

5 Affirmations to tell your Child Daily

Recently I saw the sweetest video of a mother brushing her daughter's hair and telling her all the things she was, Flawless, Beautiful, etc....

Creating Holiday Storage Systems that Last

The Holidays are over and it's time to pack up all the decorations. Raise your hand if you have a holiday storage system that...

Creative Holiday Wrapping Ideas

Several years ago I got tired of the Santa Claus and Snowman wrapping paper that you find at your local big-box stores. Not to...
Adoption Day

National Adoption Day : An LGBTQ Story of Adoption after Reciprocal IVF

November 21st is National Adoption Day. Chances are that either you are, or know someone who has been adopted. If you have ever gone...
National Clean out your Refrigerator Day

MICROBLOG: Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

I was today years old when I found out that November 15th is National Clean your Refrigerator Day. Ooops. In true 2020 spirit, here...

Halloween Activities for Toddlers

As a mom of an 18 month old toddler, I want to do all the fun Halloween things, but sadly I'm not willing to...

Worth it Wednesday: Planner Edition

Hello, my name is Madison and I am addicted to school supplies.  I am one of those nerds that gets butterflies at the sight of...

Diversifying Your (Kid’s) Bookshelf: Girl Power Edition

With the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (rest in power) I am reminded of how far we have come but also of all we...