Jessica Davila

Jessica Davila
Jessica has lived in Corpus Christi almost all her life and loves it. Together with her husband Roy they are raising their beautiful , almost 6 year old daughter, Angelina. Being a stay at home mom has taught her a lot and she treasures each moment of motherhood. Jessica is quiet in person, but give her a pen and paper and she will write a novel. She loves reading, writing, watching movies and listening to music. She is a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan and loves anything chocolate. She is very excited to begin her blogging adventure, and getting to know the CCMB community of mommas.

7 Movies to Inspire Your Royal Side: National Princess Day.

November 18th is National Princess Day! Who hasn’t dreamed of being a princess at least once in their life?? I don’t know about you but...
little girl sleeping

MICROBLOG: Happy Thoughts.

  Sometimes when I put my daughter to sleep at night, she likes to find excuses not to fall asleep. She worries about having bad...

Living and Learning: Nine Lessons I Learned by Thirty-Nine.

As soon as October comes around, I am a new person. Fall is my time of year. When it is Fall, it means it’s...

Random Acts of Poetry Day: Share a Poem with Someone.

  The first Wednesday in October is Random Acts of Poetry Day! When I say the names: Maya Angelou Emily Dickinson Robert Frost William Shakespeare ...

Friday Faves: 5 Things Giving Me Life Right Now {Jessica}

In a season of parenting that feels super stressful our team is excited to share some of our favorite things making us happy right...

National Collect Rocks Day: Memories of the Rock Collector in My Life

September 16th is National Collect Rocks Day! As a kid I never liked playing outside and getting dirty with the rest of the kids. I...
How I Handle Writer's Block | Coastal Bend Mom Collective

How I Handle Writer’s Block: A Few Tips to Help.

  I sat down in front of my laptop today in an attempt to write a couple of blog posts…. Well I ended up checking my...

Microblog: Taking care of you

Lately, more and more, it’s been a whole lot harder on us moms. Heck, it has been harder on everyone. But from my mom...

My Personal Netflix and Binge Challenge: What to Watch.

(Note: I did not receive any compensation I just randomly chose Netflix for this post.) Who loves Netflix? I will admit I have had a...

My Music Therapy: A Playlist of Songs That Make Me Happy!

Sometimes everything going on in the world can be overwhelming and you feel like it’s too much. One way to escape it all can...