Jessica Davila

Jessica Davila
Jessica has lived in Corpus Christi almost all her life and loves it. Together with her husband Roy they are raising their beautiful , almost 6 year old daughter, Angelina. Being a stay at home mom has taught her a lot and she treasures each moment of motherhood. Jessica is quiet in person, but give her a pen and paper and she will write a novel. She loves reading, writing, watching movies and listening to music. She is a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan and loves anything chocolate. She is very excited to begin her blogging adventure, and getting to know the CCMB community of mommas.

How do you Procrastinate?

Hello friends, my name is Jessica and I have a problem… I am a procrastinator. If I told you how long it took me to...

Story Time: Creating Stories With My Little One.

Every night I try to spend time reading with my daughter. Not only is it beneficial, helping her expand her vocabulary, but she enjoys...

Sometimes You Just Need to Cry

Sometimes you just need a good cry. Have you ever just had a moment where you felt like crying for no reason? You felt...

Microblog: Curious Questions My Daughter Asks. National Trivia Day.

National Trivia Day is January 4th,  I don’t know about you all, but every night before bedtime my daughter and I have a routine....

It’s My Birthday! Forty of My Favorite Things!

  Hey there y’all! So, I am turning 40 at the end of October. I am not sure if I am supposed to have some sort...

It doesn’t have to be the last time. A life full of firsts.

Sometimes I get a little bogged down with life and want to live life in the moment. They say, “you never know when each...
Profile | Jessica Davila | Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Meet the Team: Jessica

Coastal Bend  Hola Mommas! My name is Jessica, and I am a senior writer for CBMC. I was born and raised here in the Lone...

Microblog: The “Hoodie Vortex”

My daughter is not quite a teen yet, but I have plenty of nieces and friends who have kids that are tweens/teenagers. Observing them...

Have A Family Movie Night! Summer Movies Are Back!

Hey y’all! I do not know if you have noticed but people but people are heading back to the movies! I had been to...
Father's Day Thank you

Microblog: A Father’s Day Thank You!!

Writing for the Coastal Bend Mom Collective mostly means writing about what I know about… being a mom. Writing all about motherhood and the...