The Christmas Barf


You thought this was going to be a post about vomit, huh?

No, fellow moms. I wouldn’t do that to you.

We all have enough puke in our lives.

What I affectionately refer to as The Christmas Barf is the style of holiday decorating that incorporates every color, style, material, fad and era you can think of.

You know the look.

Every surface is covered with trinkets, do dads and knick knacks representing everything from Santa to The Nativity. Lights of every color and flashing style are wrapped around the tree(s), lamps, windows, plants and anything else with a nail or hook that is near an outlet. I’m talking Christmas dishes, Christmas hand towels, Christmas candles, Christmas signs, Christmas stockings, Christmas coffee mugs, Christmas cookie jars, Christmas toilet paper, Christmas potpourri and more. And more. And more. And more.

Don’t forget about the outside of the house. Lights, lights, lights, blow ups, star showers, stuff on the roof, signs in the yard, music playing, reindeer leaping, sleighs, cartoon characters and more. I’ve even seen a choir made of mannequins at a home in Corpus. Talk about barf. 

But when I say barf, I truly mean it with affection.

My home has a Christmas tree, stockings and a couple of random Christmas items here are there. The standard Christmas look. I probably wouldn’t even have that much were it not for my three year old son. My sister, on the other hand, has four Christmas trees. Four! Her main tree, her kitchen tree, her son’s tree in his room and the tree in the bathroom. She has about nine of those big plastic storage tubs in her basement filled with Christmas cheer. My sister-in-law has three trees and decorations from her childhood. From back in the 70s. 

I love my sis and sis-in-law. And I love going to their homes at Christmas time. It’s a feast for the eyes and it makes me happy because all that Christmas makes them happy. No Pintrest perfect here. The houses are loud, tacky, random, crazy, colorful and awesome. 

So hats off to you, all you over-the-top Christmas enthusiasts. You have the respect of my adult self for doing Christmas the way you like, with no rules and no conformity. And you have the glee of my inner child that loves all the barf.

What is your style of Christmas decorating? None, orderly and stylish, kooky and crazy or other? Leave it in the comments below. Merry Christmas!