I know lots of busy parents who constantly echo the same response when asked how they are doing. "BUSY" they always say. I can sincerely...
Shaking my yoga pants mom-iform, I was spending a morning out with my newborn. In a fairly brief amount of time, I observed harness...
On March 8th, a lot of people posted about International Women's Day. In all honesty, I am not very familiar with ALL the details...
You see that plus sign on your pregnancy test and a FLOOD of emotion hits you in the blink of an eye! A BABY!...
About a year and a half ago I made the decision to become a full-time stay at home mom. I left my well paying...
Schedules Schmedules- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Schedules, Schmedules

“Make sure you're adhering to the schedule." "Are you following the schedule?" "Is your schedule posted for this week?" Schedule. Schedule. Schedule!! When I began as a substitute...
Around 3 years ago I was sitting at a play date with a few other moms discussing the different ways we motivate and discipline...
I remember hearing so much about the "terrible twos" while, and even before, I was pregnant with my first child. I couldn't help but...
Do you catch yourself wishing your little one was still a newborn cuddled in your arms? Or are you dreaming of future days when...

You Set the Tone

I'm not going to lie. Motherhood has been a struggle for me. Not just lately. It has always been a struggle. I feel like so...

Life In Coastal Bend

The Ultimate Guide to Seafood Restaurants in Corpus Christi

The Ultimate Guide to Seafood Restaurants in Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, nestled along the Texas Gulf Coast, is a paradise for beach goers and seafood...
Guide to Fall __ Halloween in the Coastal Bend __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Fall In The Coastal Bend 2024