From the beginning my son has been a ridiculously early riser. I am talking 5:45am ridiculous!
Once he was sleeping through the night in his...
Screen time for kids can be a source of multiple opinions and heated debates. There are many arguments both for and against the use...
Editor's Note: I'm so, so, SO excited to introduce Steve Garcia to our readers. I met Steve in 2009 when I was performing in...
Is there any parent who doesn’t want the best for their children?
Even though we typically answer, “Yes, absolutely!” sometimes we face challenges without easy...
I’ve had a fair amount of relatively hard jobs throughout my life, but being a stay at home mom exceeds them all.
I can tell...
I try not to engage in debates on social media.
However, every now and then, I stumble across one that really grabs my attention and...
Ok...maybe wisdom is taking a little far. For those that are new here, my name is Tracie and I have four kids that range...
Getting braces is a sort of milestone for many teenagers, and it’s that final step towards a beautiful smile.
Braces; however, are not as easy to...
I sometimes wonder why I never stepped out of my comfort zone or decided to create memories - no matter if I didn't care...
My 20th High School Reunion is fast approaching, and I have been reminiscing and remembering those days so long ago that were so much...