St. Pius X Catholic School opened its doors in September of 1966 under the leadership of Monsignor Michael J. Adams and the sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament. Today, they continue to provide a strong spiritual and academic foundation in a loving and friendly...
Family Friendly Things to Do in the Corpus Christi Area {February 2017} Wondering what there is to do in and around Corpus Christi? You're in luck! We put together our Mom's Guide to February, which outlines our top picks for...
I feel like I should warn you, dear mamas. This is not a happy and upbeat post. This is a heavy and sobering post, but one that needs to be shared. As parents, we need to be aware of...
I never thought I would die in a JoAnn’s Fabric store, but for forty-five minutes this past December, it seemed like a plausible possibility. Unbeknownst to me, my jerk of a gallbladder decided it would be fun to pass...
There's something I think every good mom knows. That moment, in a busy crowd or in an open field, when your children stop where they are, turns and looks for you. For you. No one else. You. Sure, their love is...

“Peas Sit”

I've always heard about the wisdom that can come from the mouths of kids. I've not had much experience with that personally, but am starting to get a glimpse now that my son is talking more. When he was a...
Are you searching for some fun Valentine's Day recipes and ideas? After all, it is time to start handing out those adorable, homemade Valentine's cards, red and white teddy bears, and heart-shaped assortments of chocolate candy. This is a special...

National Peanut Butter Day

I happen to love peanut butter.  So, when I discovered January 24th was National Peanut Butter Day, well, I was left feeling a little bit nutty.  Okay, so that was a little corny.  But, I really do love peanut...
  LOVE BUGS! A FUN MINI VALENTINE'S DAY CRAFT Valentine's Day is getting close guys, and to tell you the truth, it is my absolute most favorite holiday!! (Like, more than Christmas!) I love all the heart shaped candies, the flowers, and...
I am originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin.  Can anyone say C-O-L-D?  I'm pretty sure that is why I happen to enjoy the winter season more than many of my South Texas peeps.  I have an appreciation for what having...

Life In Coastal Bend

Corpus Christi & Coastal Bend Summer Camp Guide

We’re thrilled to share our annual Guide to Coastal Bend Summer Camps, presented by the Corpus Christi Hooks! Summer is just around the corner and...